The War From Down The Street - Chapter 18

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Hermione returned to Ron's room after a couple of hours when she called in a doctor, meanwhile she just sat patiently in the waiting room wondering what she should do with Ron.

She found him sitting at his bed with a bed table in front of him full of empty plates and glasses.

"How was lunch?" she asked, sounding a bit too cheerfully for what's going around.

"Was all right. Kinda wish you cooked though, your food is billions times better, don't think anything tops yours, actually," Ron answered lightheartedly, a warm smile over his face.

"No- stop," she turned faintly pink and had to turn away, "my cooking can't be that good, I've only made a decent few eggs and pastas. And this is just hospital food so I guess it makes sense for home food to be better than-"

"Oh please... when I say that your cooking's good, it's good! Trust me and you know me, I eat lots," he chuckled, "and like I said, nothing really tops yours."

Hermione looked back at him, not hiding her blush over her face, "How are you?"

"I... I think I'm doing okay," he shrugged and crossed his arms, exhaling raspily, "Where I was... uh... shot... those areas I don't feel much anymore."

Ron circled the empty glass of water on the desk table, "Doctors said I should be fine within a few days when the wounds fully recover-"

"They said two weeks," Hermione interrupted.

"Well, all right, two weeks... two weeks and I should be fine to move with a few restrictions," he sighed.

"I'm sorry that it had to happen," she hung her head low, gripping the fabric of her clothes.

"Hermione, we've already been over this... you're fine! Just... just go on with your usual things and I'll be grand here," Ron tipped the glass upside down, causing water droplets to spill onto the table.

"Ron, I feel like this because you were under my home, you were under my responsibility and I just left you alone because I was too busy thinking about my classes. Don't you know what it's like to have a responsibility and have it fail so badly to the point where you nearly get killed?" she furrowed her eyebrows, but when she saw Ron's reaction they suddenly softened when she realized what she had just said.

Hermione held her hand over her mouth, "Oh, God... I'm sorry! I didn't mean that. I didn't mean to say that-"

Ron shook his head, his eyes still widened at the response, "No, no... don't be."

"I... I should leave," Hermione stood up and started walking toward the door but stopped in her tracks when his voice called out her name.

"Wait," he reached out to which she slowly turned around.

Hermione immediately started apologizing, "I'm sorry, Ron, I didn't mean to say those words- I forgot that you were part of the war and-"

"Hermione... I... I want to tell you... about the w-war if that's... that's okay..." Ron's voice was barely audible but she could make out the words.

She turned on her heels and slowly approached him, "You want to tell me about the war?"

"Y... yeah... unless you already know about it and... only if you want to hear it," he looked down at his hand.

Hermione stood there silently, thinking if it was right for him to speak to her about it, but maybe it would help him rethink his trauma... or help him calm down in some way.

She looked at him and made eye contact. With a sincere small smile, she sat at the end of his bed, "If you are 100% okay with telling me about it... then yes... I would like to listen."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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