A New Day... A New Place? - Chapter 6

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One minute...

Then the other side...

Another one minute...

Now the top...

Adding on another minute...

Then the other topside...

With another minute...

And to finish it off... another minute on the front...

The minty toothpaste foam dropped down the drain with running cool water, her hands washing her toothbrush and her mouth.

The drawer opened revealing her essentials and she took out the floss to clean out her teeth even further more.

After cleaning and rinsing once more, she took a cup of mouthwash and made her breath even more "sharper."

She grinned at herself in the mirror, looking at her bright white teeth that were shiny and clean like they always had been.

Thanks to her parents being dentists, she's not had a single cavity or tooth problem. Although, when she was younger she developed two big front teeth, but thankfully they were easily fixed with a braces and tooth reshaping.

She had to use the headgear braces for her situation, unfortunately.

But that was awhile ago...

She continued looking at herself in the mirror, her clean and smooth skin, her hair "less bushy" than when she woke up, still frizzy of course.

She smiled at herself before wiping her face with a towel and heading out of the bathroom.

Hermione closed the door, which creaked loudly into a slam, and then she gasped and held her hand over her mouth. She just remembered she had someone here.

Oh, right! Him... he's still here! I think? Hermione looked in the corner of her eyes and through the locks of her hair and saw his figure still lying on the couch, Still sleeping...

She cursed herself for being loud and started tiptoeing toward her bedroom, this time lightly closing the door to let him be in peace.

She leaned her back against the door with her eyes shut, thinking about last night.

When they stepped into the apartment and she helped wiped off the snow from his figure, he basically stripped to his underclothes and collapsed onto the couch. He was out cold.

Hermione didn't want to touch his stuff. One, it's personal belongings. Two, it's... disgusting honestly. Three, it will make the man rage at her.

So his stuff just remained next to the table by the door on the floor.

Hermione took the sincere step of getting him a exceptionally thick blanket and a decent pillow instead of her decorative throw pillow to be used.

She would have a lot to DEEP clean, but that's later when he's gone.

Hermione was surprised though when he didn't even go for food, but maybe breakfast tomorrow is where he'll eat lots?

Anyways, she stayed quiet the entire night all the way until that door slam.

Thankfully he wasn't disturbed.

Hermione made her way to her bed which was neatly made after her slumber and sat on it, staring at her wardrobe.

How am I supposed to keep him here? Oh, god... my-my landlady is not going to be happy about this! she panicked but then quickly clamed herself down, breathe Hermione, breathe.

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