Chapter 15 - Banter

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Jackie's POV

While sulking in my room might've not been the most productive thing to do, it was certainly all I could think of while my siblings played around. 

"Hey," Lucas' voice came from the open door. "Ava, uh, asked me to come and get you, we baked some cookies and she wants you to try them."

"Oh, right. I'll be down in a few," I crinkle my nose, "Are a few burnt or something? I can smell it from here,"

"Yeahh, about that. We might've cooked the dough for too long. Tell your mom, we're sorry?" Lucas grimaces.

"Actually, he set the temperature too high, but whatever-- They still taste good though, I promise!" Ava's voice cuts in, I don't realize the fact that she was listening to our conversation.

I laugh, "What kind did you make?" I say as I stand up from my bed.

"The classic chocolate chip! I could've made something more complicated, but Mom has cut back on the sugar. Luckily,  I found Dad's stash. Hope he doesn't mind a few missing chips."

I follow the two out of my room and make my way down the stairs where I see the kitchen in a disarray of chaos. 

"How... Just how many things did you make Ava?!" 

"Ah, well, the cookies are on the counter, a bit hot, but you'll live. I need to go now, bye!" With that Ava slips out of the kitchen and disappears outside.

I sigh, "Seriously Lucas? I thought you'd at least clean up after her. Also, where's grandma?"

All Lucas does is shrug and says, "I tried to, but she's just too fast. I think Catherine is outside gardening, but I'm not sure."

"Ugh, this happens every time. Can you help me with this?" I hand him a dirty bowl.

"You do dishes, I do everything else," 

"Aye aye, Captain!" He salutes me.

"These cookies better be top-tier or I'm suing," I grumble under my breath as I start piling all the dishes in the sink. 


Turns out the cookies were pretty good but were they really worth it? No, because almost all of the tray was burnt, and only a few were alright. 

Cleaning the kitchen was a quick process, and I ended up making Lucas do almost everything. 

Now, he and I were hanging out on the couch. 

"Do you think they're okay?" I asked. It'd been a few hours since the adults left, and I was getting a bit antsy. 

Was I still a tad upset? Perhaps.

Especially since I wasn't allowed to go into the small shooting range we had, I was bored and had nothing to distract me. 

"I'm sure they're fine Jazz," He looks up from his phone, "Our parents have been in the spy business for almost 20 years now?"

"Just in case though..."

"Thinking about the what ifs don't help sometimes Jackie," He smiles, "You know what will help you take your mind of them though?"

"What?" I ask.

"Cat videos!"

I raise my eyebrow, "Really? That's the best you can think of?"

"Aren't your favourite animals cats?"

"This is so dumb,"

"Are they though?" Lucas persists with his question, "I know how much you'd want one,"

I roll my eyes, "We'd never be able to take care of one though, always busy with stuff. "

"Ignoring that fact, which breed would you like?"

"I mean, a black cat would be nice," I grin, "They're so mysterious and stuff. What about you?"

"Not sure actually, I would say I'm more of a dog person than anything."

"Oh, right."

A small silence follows before I glance up at the clock and ask, "Want to go outside and train for a bit?"

"Shouldn't you recover some more first?"

"But, I'm just so bored," I pout.

"Should we have a rope tying contest then? To see who can make the most secure knot in the least amount of time?"

"That's not a bad idea, we need to find some rope first."

hi! blocks here, i was going to write more, but here's some conversation between jackie and lucas for now :> see ya on the next chapter.

- Spy Society

EDIT : i changed the titles hsdvjk :? 

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