Chapter 7 - Ava...

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I listened carefully, trying to find Lucas. I heard something else though.

"AHHHH--." Then silence. A sound of a body hitting the floor.

It was Ava's voice.

"Ava... Ava! Noo." I said softly. I swallowed a lump in my throat, I hoped she was okay.

"DANE! You didn't kill her, did you?" The prosthetic guy asked. 

"I think she's breathing, but I can't tell." 

I could barely hear their conversation, but I didn't have to listen too hard, because the bug seemed to be working again.

Ava was probably faking it so they leave so she could really escape. I convinced myself that, but deep down inside, I wasn't so sure.


I was still trying to listen for Lucas. I felt so small, weak, and worried. Maybe this was why Grandpa never let me have a relationship with anyone. 


"But grandpa, why? 

"Because little one, emotions only get you killed. Say you were in a relationship with someone, and you had a choice, save them, or America. You would take that split second to think about it, and in the spy business that second means death."

"But what about Mommy and Daddy?"

"Those two are a special case. They are so good at spying, they would never get caught."

"But what if they did?"

"Then they would escape."

"But what if they couldn't?"

"That is too many what if's."

"Okay, grandpa."

"Just remember, emotions will only hurt you as a spy."

*Flashback ended*

Those words were echoing in my head right now, like a broken record.

Just remember, emotions will only hurt you as a spy.

I loved Lucas, though. My feelings for him only happened recently. Before then, he was like my brother. Now- I want him to be more. 

I sat thinking about him for a little. Then I realized this is precisely what Grandpa meant. I would waste time on him, chose the wrong choice to save him, like right now. I could be working on saving my siblings, but instead, I am thinking about Lucas. 

Oh, Lucas. He just made me too vulnerable. I guess we should just have to stay friends. With a heavy heart, I stood up and started to began my first plan: Get out of the chains.


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