Chapter 3 - The Bomb

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We were surrounded, more like outnumbered since there was just no way we could all fend them off all by ourselves-or was there? Dad had this look in his eye indicating that he had a plan, but I don't know what his plan is. I kept my eye on him. He was tapping a message in Morse code: _ _ . . _

I couldn't immediately decipher what he was saying, but then I quickly understood what he meant.

Dad turned his head slightly to the side, indicated the open window behind us. I grabbed Sam and pulled him to the window. He understood and jumped out. I leaped behind him. Ava was close behind as well. My dad took out something from his pocket, threw it, and came out from a different window. Mom too. 

"Come, come now!" She called.

I looked at my siblings and we all ran towards her voice. 

"Run!" Dad screamed already sprinting. 

I was confused but I ran anyway. My siblings at my heels we all raced to my dad. My mom, extremely agile, was carrying Brandon, the slowest out of us. He was protesting but my mom did not care. Bradon was fast, but he was best at taking out guys, rather than running away from them. Why were we running away from them anyway though? I quickly found out the answer. It knocked me off my feet. No, for real. Our house exploded. 

My home. 

I saw things fly out of the window and the impact made me fall to the ground. But to my surprise, the house did not burn.

"Let's go," Dad said

"Are you sure it's safe, Ben?" Mom asked

But Dad already had started walking. Mom sighed and followed him, holding my hand and Brandon's. Sam and Ava were with Dad. When I reached the house I opened the door cautiously. Some things were on fire, some broken, but the worse was the bodies that lay on the ground. I gasped. I was not the only one. Mom looked shocked. All the people we were fighting lay dead or injured. Dad was looking carefully at each body.

"See him?" He asked Mom


"Who?" I asked

"Joshua." Mom answered coldly

"Who is Joshua?" Bradon asked

"That's a story for another day," said Dad

"I- I don't see him, Ben. Do you?" Mom said. She sounded scared, Mom was never scared.

"He must have escaped," Dad concluded.


Thanks for reading! I know this story has not been updated in a while. Also, the original authors are offline for now, so I will be writing the next few chapters :) I know I don't write as well as them, but I hope you still like my chapters.


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