Chapter 14 - The Plan to Save Sam

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Jackie's POV

"This is the plan to get back Sam," says Cyrus, aka my great grandfather.

Suddenly, he looks up. The space between his eyebrows creased and he opened his mouth. From what I can tell, he looked a bit frantic. An emotion that I've never seen him wear before. Cyrus whispers something into mom's ear, she nods. He smiles briefly at us and disappears.

Ava frowns, matching my own, "Where is grandad going?"

"Yeah, what's up?" inquires Brandon.

"It's nothing to worry about, honey. We don't need to dwell on that." Mom

We were back at Mike and Zoe's house, a gigantic map of the location where Sam was, was sprawled across one of the marble tables in the house's living room.

"Wait, how about this doorway?" Mike points a finger towards a small hall leading to a door. One that we haven't noticed before. "Maybe we could use its passageway as a plan B."

"One problem, what if they trapped it. They could predict that we would use this as a getaway." Mom argued.

"Risk-taking, Erica." tsked Mike.

Mom's lips form into a thin line, I can tell she's not happy about what she says next.

Tense seconds follow, "Fine, we'll risk it." She gives in.

Mike looked shocked, "Really?" he grins, "Okay, let's get this plan into action!"

We parted into two groups, one was the lookout and the other was the rescue team. It was a last-minute plan but that didn't stop us from worrying about what was happening to Sam

The only problem was that the map we found was when the adults had found a way out. It definitely was a trap, but it was also worth the risk to find Sam.

Unfortunately, the kids, meaning me and the others, weren't allowed to go. Along with grandma, Catherine was going to babysit us for the next hour or so until the adults return back with Sam. 

I, of course, wanted to object. 

Mom ended punishing me for one week of no gun utilization. 

To say the least, I got mad.

Yes, this is a very short chapter, I'm aware. Sorry for that. This might be updated again tomorrow? But I'm not sure.

-Spy Society

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