Chapter 5 - Another one!?

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Jackie's POV

"Kids,  go clean yourselves up." Mom paused, "In the BATHROOM. I trust that you guys don't need help. We're going to have lunch soon, 'kay?" 

We all nodded and then rushed upstairs. Lucas trailed behind, probably not wanting to be trampled.

I went into my room and gestured for Lucas to come in. He took a few steps hesitantly, then entered the room.

"So I'm going to take a shower, you wait here 'kay?" I pointed towards my bed.

"Sure," Lucas walked over and plopped himself on my black sheets.

I walked to the guest showers since I didn't have one of my own bathroom. I stripped down and turned on the shower, the hot water fell slowly down my body.

As I was in the shower, I thought about how nice he was, how we always had fun together, how he really seemed to like me. I must have gotten deep in thought because Lucas knocked on the door and said, "Hey are you okay in there Jackie? It has been 20 minutes!" 

I felt my cheeks heat up, realizing that I just thought about a boy for 20 whole minutes. Usually, like my dad, I have an uncanny sense of time, but I guess that skill eluded me here. I quickly shampooed my hair, washed it off, and then dried off.

I put on a baby-blue crop top and a pair of black shorts. As I walked in, he started staring at me. Then after about 2.85294 seconds, he realized what he was doing and blushed. 

We went downstairs to our families and ate lunch. We had a pizza and salad for lunch. It was good enough to the extent that even my picky eater self couldn't resist it.

When we finished eating we played some games. But not "normal" family games. 

Oh, no not those boring games. We played 'Last to Beg for Mercy Wins'. Basically, we go to our gym and tackle each other, and whoever stands their ground wins. It's fun. But I always end up with massive bruises. My mom has been showing me a technique to help cope with pain. She does a lot of these things with me. Like how to breathe less oxygen, and things like that. 

We were just getting into the best part of the game when we heard a knock at the door. Wait, no. More like the sound of something made of metal breaking down a wooden door.


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