Chapter 9 - The Execution

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Jackie's POV

I carefully stepped over the unconscious guard and walked over to the fire alarm. I took off the safety, broke the glass, and pulled the alarm. Then, I booked it out of there, I was running at inhuman speeds, leaving Murray in my dust. The kid didn't even try. I was beginning to wonder why he was dad's nemesis. He seemed like your average overweight American man.

Dane put up a little more fight. Not only was he 6 '10 with long legs, but he also seemed to be really athletic. But eventually, I outran him. I was realizing how fast I was. Maybe this is why Mom had told me to not try too hard at - I was interrupted by the same cold metal hand that had gripped me before. 

What a scumbag. 

He looked at me and said, "You're not going anywhere. We already have your brother here." 

He then signaled to a guard to open a bag. In it was Sam, his hands tied to his feet and gagged. But of course, my first thought was not about him. It was about how many security guards they have. This organization runs really deep. 

I was also hoping everyone else got out safely.

"Take them to Mr. E.," said the metal man. 


And then I felt the familiar sensation of a chloroform rag against my face. 

*About 5 hours later*

I woke up in a different cell this time. In one corner, was what looked like a bunch of devices hooked up on the wall. None of which were familiar to me.

In walked a person, their face was masked and the clothes they wore seemed to engulf them whole. I couldn't even tell their gender, race nor body type. And this really annoyed me. Usually, I would scout people's bodies in order to pinpoint exactly where to find pressure points, that I could exploit. Dad also taught me Aikido, as he thought that it was the best thing you can use in a fight. Aikido is a martial art where you use various pressure points and people's momentum against them. It could be really effective in some situations.

They told me to be a good little girl and stay put. Obviously, this infuriated me even more, and I clenched my fists. But the calmer side of me won, and the remark didn't make me shout anything that I might know.

5 hours 31 minutes and 47 seconds later they came back with some rope, a chair, a camera, a mic, and a live stream computer. Then they called a number, which I recognized as Moms. I smirked knowing that she would not pick up. She never turned on her phone, unless it was, Me, Dad, Uncle Mike, Aunt Zoe, Lucas, or any of our siblings.

But after calling 68 times, Mom picked up. When she saw the metal man, she started screaming words I had never heard. And that meant something because I thought that I knew every word in the dictionary. Welp, there are 6 others to learn. Apparently, this was the guy who had betrayed her. He told her to get Agent Ripley (which I assumed was Dad), but she refused.

Then I felt a cold piece of metal on the back of my head. Come on, Mom! I thought, please don't let them kill me. Now before you call me weak, having a gun on the back of your head ready to blow your brains out really does something to you.

She immediately got Dad, and I got a refresher on those six words. The metal guy's name was apparently Joshua. He told her to hand over the nuclear arsenal of the U.S. or I was dead. Man, this guy is dumb. Doesn't he know that we can't just give up nukes and money? We're the CIA, not the military. He said if he couldn't have those, he wanted 300 million dollars, which obviously goes into buying illegal nukes. When Mom said no, they shot me in the arm. I screamed and then passed out. This seemed to be a recurring thing.

Lucas's POV

I escaped the base but I couldn't find Jackie. Ava was already outside. But neither Brandon, Sam, or Jackie was in eyesight. I crossed my fingers and hoped that they were okay. And that she had gotten back to the house. Using a technique Great Uncle Cyrus showed me, I hot-wired a motorcycle and went home, Ava holding onto my back tightly. When I got there, Aunt Erica, Uncle Ben, and Great Uncle Cyrus were in a heated discussion with someone on a computer. I heard something about Jackie so I decided to take a peek. It was the metal guy, and he had Jackie. She was passed out, and it looked like she had been shot through the tricep. It was bleeding, but they were not making any effort to help her, because well, they were the bad guys.

"Lucas! Ava! You guys are safe!" Ben sighed.

"Go call your father," Cyrus said sternly to me.

I went and got my parents. They hurried over. When I came in again I saw that they had started peppering Ava with questions. Ben remained at the computer, focused. My parents of course knew that we were kidnapped but nothing else. Ben started filling them in while talking to someone on the computer. I could not take it anymore. 

I knew what I had to do. I got on my new, hot-wired motorcycle and got ready for action.


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