Chapter 6 - Who Are You?

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A man came in with 25 other thugs. He had two prosthetic body parts, a high tech metal hand, and an eye patch. He tranquilizes me and everything goes black.


When I woke up, I was in a dark room with no lights. There were some bread and water, but I didn't drink it. 

Mom and Dad had both said that you should never eat anything that was made by someone you did not know. They said that someone might have poisoned it. We never even went out to eat. 


A while later, this really tall person came in. He took a quick look at the food and then left the room. That confirmed my suspicions of the food being poisoned. I quickly threw a bug and tracker on his shorts. Thankfully, he didn't notice. He walked out of the room. I then heard him mumble, "She didn't take the bait."

Then another voice said, "They have taught her well."

Then a third voice said, "What should we do boss?" He sounded like he had a bunch of food in his mouth. 

Who was their boss? It was almost like they knew I had a bug on the big guy. Then I heard talk, "What else can we do?"

Then I heard something about starving me. 



I must have fallen asleep, but when I woke up, a fat man that looked to be about 25 and had bacon stains on his shirt. He started interrogating me. But it was nothing like what I expected. 

"What is your favorite candy?" He asked.

"Uh, I do-" but then I was interrupted.

I had no idea what he was talking about. Then I heard someone shout, "Murray! Stick to the questions!" I made sure to remember that this guy's name was Murray. 

Then he asked:

"Where are your parents?" 

I smirked. Did this guy really think I would tell him that? Even though I was locked in handcuffs, I could probably still beat him in a fight. Then he started whining. 

"Dane, get in here!"

"Ok." whoever the Dane guy was grunted out his answer.

The guy who I had seen first came in, brought a chair, and sat down. As he did, I heard a crack. 

Well, so much for my bug. 

Then Murray said, "Dane, why don't you show her what happens when she refuses to cooperate?" 

So the big guy's name was-

I could not finish my thought, because I was soon writhing in pain. Dane's punches hurt. But at least now I know that his name is Dane. Then Murray asked the same question, and I ended up getting punched. We continued this routine for about 30 minutes before I passed out from the pain.

*Time Skip*

When I woke up, I realized that now instead of just being handcuffed, they had now attached me to a wall too. No one was around me. I listened carefully to everything I could pick up. I heard shouts from another room. Wait. These shouts, they were familiar. 

Bradon. Sam. 

I stopped moving, stopped breathing, stopped shaking. I stood completely still, holding my breath. I used my ears to navigate. My eyes shut I used my hearing sense. Hearing was one of my best skills. It might sound silly, but Mom taught me how to hear... more, I guess. How to see everything, but without your eyes. Instead, with your ears. I had heard Bradon and Sam. But were they together? No, I quickly thought. Bradon was in a different room. Smaller than mine. His voice echoed off the walls. Sam's room was more spacious but empty. His room was slightly more soundproof, as I guessed there were more carpeted walls and floors. Sam was not alone. He was talking to a man. 

He was yelling in pain now. I heard stomps. The same stomps that Dane had made when he was coming into the room I was in. Oh, he was being tortured. Now that I knew about Sam, I focused on Brandon. He was alone. He was yelling at no one, I believe. Probably telling someone to let him out. 

Typical Brandon. 

I heard a new voice now. Ava! I heard her tell someone something loudly. She then banged something or stomped really hard I could not tell. But this was not a random stomp. It was planned carefully. Ava might have been the youngest, as she was only 11, but she was pretty smart, agile, and could be easily overlooked. These we all very good skills. Being her smart self, she had found an escape. She warned me that she was esacping by morse code. We were taught morse code before we could read.

.-. . -..


That's what she had told me. This .-. . -.. meant 'Red'. Why red? That was our code for 'I am escaping'. We had a few of those so if someone knew morse code, all they would decipher would be a random word. 

I listened carefully, concentrating on Ava. All my attention was on her. I did not see anything, I did not taste anything. I did not feel or smell anything. I focused everything on Ava. I was still not breathing. I might as well have left my body. I watched over Ava by only hearing her. I heard her go through a vent. A soft clang as she opened a vent to jump into another room. A scared scream that was quickly muffled. A deep voice saying "Boss, she tried to escape." A thud. Then sobs. From years of living with her, I knew this was not a cry for how she missed the chance to escape. This was a cry of pain. Deep pain. I opened my eyes quickly, I started to breathe, to feel, to taste, to smell again. But I did not care. I only had one thought:

What the hell did they do to my sister?

A few minutes later, I had made up a pretty solid plan. I had to see what they did to my sister. Monsters they were. As I brainstormed, thinking of backup plans for the backup plans, my ears kept drifting to the sound of her cry. I had also heard a plead. Then something hard dropped and a slap maybe. Ava inhaled sharply and another thud was heard. 

Then screams. 

Her screams. 

They tore my heart.

 Screams of pain and agony. I got ready to start my plan. Before I could begin though, I realized something that made me shake in fear. 

This whole time I had not seen Lucas. 

Not once.


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