Chapter 10 - The Team

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Luca's Pov

"Lucas!" Erica warned. "Stay here, don't even think about it."

"But Jackie-"

"No. Come. Here," she said, shooting me a glare. I shrunk back.

"We have a plan Lucas, you just need to trust us, okay?" Erica whispered to me.

I nodded. After telling them the whole story of everything that happened to me I told them everything I knew about everyone else, except for Ava of course.

"Are you sure you only saw Ava when you escaped?" Dad asked.

"Yes, Dad."

"So we know where everyone is, except for Brandon," Erica concluded.

"Wait, where's Sam, then?" Ava asked.

Ben pointed to a tiny corner where you could just make out a cell and a boy holding onto the bars, looking at Jackie and the other guys.

"He was caught before he could escape," Mom said.

"Do you think we should all go?" Dad asked.

"I think- I think it's time we bring the team back together," Erica said with a smile.

In less than ten minutes Chip, Jawa, Alexander, and Catherine were here.

"Alexander?" Erica whispered to Ben.

"Come on, he can be useful, you know that," Ben whispered back

Erica looked exasperated.

I let the adults figure out the plan. After a few minutes they had come up with this:

Ava and I were to show them the direction, while Ben says here and keeps stalling them on the computer until we arrive. Chip and Jawa will wait outside until a little later, as Joshua and the other thugs don't know they are here. Alexader will be hiding in a specific spot with the getaway helicopter. Erica, Zoe, Mike, Catherine, and Ben (after he is done stalling) will go and get everyone out, and hopefully taking out Joshua along the way. I was to stay with an adult the whole time and help with whatever was needed.

I was about to go back on my motorcycle and show them where to go when Catherine pulled me aside.

"He can't go like this!" She protested.

She cleaned me up and tended to my wounds, and Ava's as well. Then she gave us both weapons of our choice. I got a gun, a knife, and pepper spray. And Ava got a shotgun, two pocket knives, and also a bottle of pepper spray. All of us including the adults had a communication device on our ear, and a tracker, in case something goes wrong. We also all had an extra one so if we find Bradon, Sam, or Jackie, we can give them it.

I got ready to go and kick their butts. But when we got there something felt off...

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