Chapter 2- Was it all a dream?

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Jackie's POV

I jolted up in bed, my eyes opened. Was it all a dream? Or was it a warning? I decided that I couldn't sleep. I got up and changed into a black t-shirt and jeans. Then I hurried down the stairs. Surprisingly, my siblings were there too. As we tip-toed silently down the hall, we heard a considerable amount of voices. I saw a light on in the meeting room that we had. We all slipped inside and were greeted by fighting. 

I immediately started battling with a lady in a sparkly pink leotard, my eyes scanned the crowd. I noticed the hand from my dream. It was attached to a long silver arm. That arm was attached to a man. A man with a metallic leg and eye. Mom was fighting him...

I looked over at dad. He was fighting some guy with hulking slabs of muscle and was at least 2 feet taller than him. 2.7 feet to be exact. Just as I glanced over at Ava, my attacker punched me in the face. I backflipped, turning two back handsprings and a somersault. My attacker looked surprised, and I took that moment to catch her off guard, leaping onto her and stabbing her with my elbow. She yelped in surprise, then took out a shotgun and jammed the barrel into my hip, preparing to fire.

At the last second possible, I flipped her over my shoulder, produced a pair of handcuffs from my pockets and handcuffed her. And I may or may not have thrown her out the window (yes, Jackie is that strong!). She hit her head hard on a rock and fell unconscious,  but only after 5.7 seconds later, she regained consciousness and started to pick at her handcuffs. After she had successfully picked the handcuff, she climbed back up the window to fight me. I was definitely no match for her. I punched her twice in the face. Blood spewed out from her cheek and came onto my shirt. 

All of a sudden, two men came up next to her. One was skinny and weaselly looking, and the other was fat and cocky looking. They balled their fists and stood next to my attacker. But then Brandon dove and knocked them over.  My attacker was distracted, and I took that moment to attack her. I pounced on her and she didn't even fight back. I merely knocked her unconscious, and took out another pair of handcuffs, and handcuffed her. I tossed her in a corner, then thanked Brandon and went over to help Sam. He was fighting 16 enemy agents at once and looked tired, so I took eight and knocked them unconscious.

"Thanks. " Sam told me, panting.

"No problem. I am your older sister, after all." I replied. 

That was when he playfully punched me, and we went over to help Ava. Once we got close to her, 96 enemy agents came out from the shadow,  38 went to fight Mom, and 41 went to fight Dad. Sam and I fought a few, but not nearly as much as Mom and Dad.


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