Chapter 8 - The Escape Plan

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Jackie's POV

 Since the chains were easy for me to get rid of, I came to my next problem: the cameras. That was my second part of my escape plan. The cameras were installed near the crook of the ceiling, so I grabbed the broken chair Dane had sat on and broke. I tried aiming for one of the cameras, I cracked off a piece and threw it towards one of the many cameras. I turned around to grab another piece and then saw metal prosthetics guy standing behind me. With at least 20 goons.

I could probably take out around 15 of them but the other guys, I wasn't so sure. Thus I did what Dad would do: Run.

Now, before you call me a wimp, I had a plan. I would go into the security room with the map plans that I stole from Murray, wipe the cameras, trigger the fire alarm, and run. 

It would be chaos, and I would escape. And while I was running away, I would warn my siblings and Lucas. If I could find him, of course.

Except, there was only a slight complication. When I had arrived at the security room, I found that the person guarding it was quite good at fighting and since I probably couldn't win this fight, I used my pepper spray. 

It hit her face immediately, the woman closed her eyes, wincing. I then punched her in the face just to make her unconscious.  Thus, making it the perfect distraction while I hacked into their system. 

I heard footsteps quickly approaching the room, I rapidly turned around and went into a fighting stance. Preparing for the worst. 

Luckily, it was only Lucas.

Lucas's POV

I was trying my best to remain calm. I knew I was the farthest away from Jackie and her family. 

Why they put me so far away? I didn't know. I stayed quiet, hoping I would think of an escape plan soon. If I stayed quiet enough, I thought, they might forget about me. 

But I was dead wrong. After maybe half an hour of brainstorming, a guy came into my cell. He looked familiar. I knew him at once. Murray. He betrayed my father and Ben so many times. My dad had told me all about him. He had my keys to my cell on his neck. Payback time, I thought. I grabbed the keys quickly. He thrashed but was no match for me. I strangled him. I then took the keys and ran out of the room. I had no idea where I was going. I ran and ran. Then after a little, I heard keys clicking. I decided to investigate the sound. 

I found Jackie is a defense pose ready to pounce with an unconscious guard laying behind her.

I ran over to her and attacked her into a hug,  "What's your plan?" I asked Jackie.

She filled me in on her plan. Not the best, but it just might work. 

My job was to find and warn all of her siblings to be on their feet. Jackie had miraculously already had one of her sibling's keys. She gave them to me and told me where I could find them. Wasting no time, I ran off following her directions. While I was gone, Jackie was going to turn off all the cameras in the security room. Then she was going to pull the fire alarm. Right before though, she was going to tell us the directions to the escape door, in morse code over the speakers. The speakers were used to communicate with everyone across the building, so it was perfect. We would all hear it. I already knew where the door was, but in case I got separated from Jackie's siblings, they would know where to go. 

Jackie's POV

Phase three of our plans just started. With my heart beating loudly I watched Lucas run away. I turned around and focused on wiping the cameras. I had high hopes for this plan. But what if I messed up? I could ruin the chance for freedom for everyone. I pushed those thoughts out of my mind and focused on the escape plan for now.


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