Chapter 11 - Brandon

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Lucas's POV

Other than around 20 guards patrolling up and down the area, it seemed that with a prisoner, the more the merrier. Someone like us was bound to come in to try to retrieve them. After, knocking some people unconscious, we quickly robbed them of all their weapons and communication devices. And to be extra safe, we tied them to a poll. We then finally were able to go inside the building. As planned, Chip and Jawa stayed behind.

When we entered, there was a big hallway with multiple doors lining the walls. We opened every door, but couldn't find anything. There were two ways we could go. We decided to split up. Mom, Dad, and Catherine were going one way, and Uncle Ben, aunt Erica, Ava, and I were going to the other. After a little while of looking, Ben found something. 

"Hey, everyone?  Is it only me, but does this switch look oddly tall?"

We all went over and looked at it, inspecting it. I went over to touch it, but Ava swatted my hand away, I shot her a glare that she probably ignored. She crouched down to the spot where Ben had pointed.

"Did you inspect the length and width of it? Do you know what kind of tile this is? What material is this, Dad?" Ava asked, glancing at uncle Ben.

"Uh, I believe this is a 24 x 12 tile, so it's pretty big. I'm not fully sure of what this brand is, and I think this is made of marble. The others are made of ceramic, I believe."

"M-kay, Lucas touch the tile." Ava gazed at me. 


"Just do it!" Ava snapped, her gaze firm.  And so I crouched down. I pushed the tile downwards, figuring that was the best way. Nothing, but then I took a closer look at it and I saw numbers. A  string of numbers was engraved across the tile. 

"Hey, um,Uncle Ben, what is this?" I asked.

Everyone looked to where I was pointing.

Aunt Erica and Uncle Ben exchanged looks.

"What is it?" Ava asked.

"Well, you see the first three numbers?" Ben said slowly.

"Yeah..." I said reading the numbers 7 2 8.

"That's the time, 7:28," Ben observed.

"And you see the bottom numbers," Erica continued.

"Mhm," Ava nodded looking at 8 2 8.

"That's 8:28 meaning one hour from now."

"So if we are correct, something- bad, I guess is going to happen to this place in an hour." Erica finished.

"What do you mean by 'bad'," I asked.

"Like maybe it'll blow up, or an ambush, or something like that," Ben filled me in.

"But Mom, Dad, why would they warn us?" Ava wondered.

"I think there might be a double agent inside SPYDER. I'm not sure honey," Erica said.

Ben told everyone our discovery softly via our walkie-talkie things. Then we kept on looking for anything else suspicious.

Brandon's POV

I got out of my cell. Someone pulled the fire alarm. Then someone, presumably Jackie told me in morse code where the safest exit is on the speakers. I saw Lucas leaving the building and went to catch up to him. I wanted to call out to him but feared a guard might hear me. 

Right, when I reached the door it shut on its own. Sam turned around the corner and bashed right into it. He probably found his way out of his cell and came here too. I did not leave my spot though in the corner. I knew someone must have made that door close. Maybe with a controller. Then the guy with the metal hand, I had found out his name was Joshua, grabbed Sam before he could run. Sam turned pale. He kicked and thrashed but the robot arm was stronger than anything he had trained for. Before JHisoshua took him away Sam saw me staring at him with concern. eyes widened just a little. He shook his head ever to so slightly, indicating that I should not try to help him. I crouched lower in my hiding spot. Joshua was coming closer. I held my breath, sure he would find me. Then, Sam trashed and kicked and squirmed enough to cause Joshua to shift his attention to Sam.

He threw Sam to the ground and slapped him and kicked him. 

"You stay still, or next time it'll be a lot worse."

Then he picked up Sam again and walked out of sight.

 Poor Sam. I regretted every time I hurt him when we were at home. Every time I teased him. I promised myself I would make it up to him, but crying would not help anything.

I stood up, silently, and ran away to find another escape door.

After a little while, I had nothing. I found a good hiding spot and stayed there for a little. Then I heard footsteps. I saw shadows at the end of the hall. There were three people. They all held guns. I heard a click of a gun getting ready to shoot. I hid deeper into my hiding spot, wishing I could become invisible. I scooched a little backward, hoping they would overlook me. But I forgot that there was a stack of books behind me. They tumbled over, creating the last thing I wanted right now: noise. 

"Hands up and don't move. I have a gun," said a deep voice.

They had already found me, so maybe I could try to scare them away.

"And what makes you think I don't? Get out of here right now before I blast your heads off," I said, using my best deep voice, trying my best to impersonate Joshua. When someone is confident and sounds like they know what they are doing, most people don't ask twice.

"Wait- Brandon? Is that you?" A voice said. But not any voice. It was Aunt Zoe's!

"Zoe!" I said relieved.

"How did you guys get here?"

"Ava and Lucas escaped and told us where to go."

"Are you sure you are okay?" I hear Grandma Catherine say

"Grandma! You here and is that you uncle Mike?"

"It sure is! Great thinking to tell us to back off when we said put your hands up."

I smiled.

"Do you know where Sam and Jackie are?" Zoe asked.

"I think I do," I said and lead them to where I saw Joshua take Sam. As I lead them they filled me in with everything that had happened, and their plan. Catherine also told everyone on her walkie talkie that they found and that I was safe. After a little bit of walking, we saw a tall door. 

"In here, I think," I whispered to them.

Mike slowly opened the door.

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