Chapter 4 - Zoe and Mike

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Jackie's POV

We were cleaning the house. It is exhausting. I broomed up a broken vase.

"Mom,"  Ava said.


"How come our house never caught on fire, and our rooms are fine and our furniture and-"

"We fireproofed most of the house. More like bomb-proofed though." Mom answered cutting her off.

"You knew that they were coming?" I asked, quite intrigued.

"No... well yes... kinda," Mom said slowly.

"Well, we knew they despised us, but we were not certain they would come after us," Dad said for Mom

"But-but why do they hate us?" Ava asked.

Mom and Dad told us the whole story. They were in a Spy School. They told them about how Joshua betrayed mom. How Ben, the new kid came. Their adventures. How Joshua got his metal arm. All of it. Ava, Brandon, Sam, and I all listened intently. Cyrus, my granddad,  was mentioned a few times. 

I had so many questions. I was about to ask when someone burst through the door.

"What the hell happened here!?" Lucas said

"Lucas!" Mom gave him a curt nod, "Where are your parents?"

"Right here," Mike said, following behind Lucas

"Hi, guys!" Dad smiled.

"But, what happened, Erica?" Lucas pestered.

I went over and filled him in.

"Ugh, I knew we should've never left," Mike said to Zoe

Zoe just laughed, "Hun, I'm sure they handled themselves! After all, Ben and Erica are talented."

Zoe and Mike had one kid, Lucas. He was my age, 14. Two years older than Brandon, a year younger than Sam, and three and a half years older than Ava. They had left a night before the attack for a road trip. They stayed in a nice hotel that Lucas had texted me about. Usually, they were right next door. 

Was it just a coincidence? That they left a night before everything happened. Something told me it was not. Joshua, I think it was, had probably known that they were no match for the nine of us. So they chose their ambush when there were only six of us near.

"You okay, Jazz?" Lucas asked, concerned.

Jazz was his nickname he gave me when we were little. We had known each other forever, as our parents were best friends. He's basically a third brother to me.

"I am perfectly fine Louie,"

Louie was my nickname for him, he didn't like it.

He looked at me unsure. I followed his eyes. They were staring at my clothes. They had mud and dirt and blood splattered everywhere on it. You could barely tell what color my shirt originally was. 

"Don't worry it's not my blood." 

He touched a piece of wet blood on my shoulder

"How many people?"

"I lost count. Twenty or something like that."

He raised his an eyebrow, not fully believing me.

"Well, as long as your safe I guess."

I grinned, glad that he cared for me.


"No, nothing." 

For reasons that you'll never know, I thought.


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