Chapter 12 - Where to next?

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Lucas's POV

Zoe had told us through the walkie-talkie to meet up with them. Ben, Erica, Ava, and I all silently arrived. 

"We think they're here," whispered Dad, pointing at a wide door.

We walked in slowly, weapons ready. 

"Who is there?" someone said softly, but their voice contained venom.

"It's us, Chip," Catherine said.

"Where's Jawa?" asked Ben.

"Right, here," responded Jawa.

"Did you see anything?" asked Zoe.

"This is where they were kept, and where they called us," Jawa said.

"But they knew we were coming and hid them or took them away. We're still looking for any evidence," Added Chip in his deep voice.

We searched for a little. That's when Zoe screamed. 

"Jackie! Are you okay? Can you hear me?" Zoe said panicking.

I ran over to where Zoe was and saw Jackie lying down in a weird position. Her legs and feet were tied and blood pooled around her. Her arm looked much worse than though the video call. 

Ben knelt down and started to examine Jackie. "She's still alive, but she's unconscious," Ben's face was a mixture of worry and uncertainty.

"No kidding Sherlock," Dad joked, but he was not smiling. He walked over and sat next to Jackie's body.

I sighed.

"Guys! We have to go now. We have 3 minutes and 4.6782 seconds before the bad thing happens." Ava said

We exchanged looks and then started running. Ben held Jackie.

"Wait, how about Sam?" cried, Erica. I had never seen her cry. 

"W- we.. he- he'll be okay," said Ben. But he did not sound so sure himself.

A single tear rolled down Erica's face. She nodded, knowing there was no other choice.

"I think they took him," Chip said "But let's not worry about that now. Come on!"

Jawa leading us, we ran towards the exit. 

"3, 2, 1, 0..." Ava counted

She looked up. It's time.

We all stopped, except for Catherine.

"Don't stop! Don't stop!! Are you guys crazy?! Come on!" screamed Catherine.

Just as we reached the exit the light flickered off. It was so dark I could not make out a single thing.

There was a loud noise that made me cover my ears. The doors shut and a metal wall blocked was in front of it. We were trapped.

We looked around and the most prominent thing that stood out to us was a huge computer, that was dead. Smart. We couldn't see anything and there was no plug. We looked everywhere, every nook and cranny and we came in short. The SPYDER agents had probably predicted that we were going to come, sooner or later. Thus, wiping the memory clean. We were losing hope. This room seemed to be essentially useless. And it was.

The place was growing very colder by the second. We tried breaking the blockade, but it was no use. As a final effort, we all huddled together to conserve body warmth.

*Little Time Skip*

It was morning, From the little cracks of the building, natural light peeked through and it made the temperature rise significantly. I was parched. Oddly, there was no one to be found. SPYDER had abandoned the base. Thankfully, while I was sleeping, the adults had opened the door somehow. We went back home. I jumped into my bed exhausted and let the adults do the rest.

When I woke up, I had heard that Dad had got a few different items, and sent them to the CIA for any clues on where agents had been and will be. We had to wait for a couple of months before we had the answers.

Jackie's POV

When I finally came to I was in a totally different room. I was on a white bed. I looked around. The last thing I remember was being shot in the arm. 

'What are they going to do to me now?' I thought. The door opened slowly. A man came in. I was terribly weak and so I couldn't even move to take the intruder. He was extremely frail and pleaded with me to spare him before I even touched him. As he got closer, I noticed that the face was familiar.

"G-lex?" I asked.

"Don't hurt me, please!" Alexander whimpered

"Oh my gosh, I'm not going to hurt you. I thought you were a bad guy." on a second thought, I also added, "Also, where am I?" 

"Mike's house. We rescued you, we couldn't find Sam though. And we barely made it out."

"You helped save me?"

"Well, kinda. I flew the getaway helicopter." Grandpa said.

Just then, Mike came in.

"Jackie! You're awake. How are you feeling? The bullet got in pretty deep."

"I'm okay. How's everyone else?"

"They're good as well," Mike said helping me get up.

I heard voices outside the room I was in.

"How many people are here?"

"The whole team," He said with a smile.

After a few days, I was able to move my arm around again. It throbbed a little, but I managed. I had heard we had to lie low.

"Daddy, why did they not explode the building or something else to get rid of us?" I heard Brandon say as I went downstairs

I went to the living room, where they were having the conversation. I wanted to know too.

"Because Brandon, It would be much easier to explain to the police and FBI why there were dead people inside of a building, rather than why the building blew up. They could just say that we stayed for longer and they accidentally closed the building and we were trapped inside and dies on hunger or the cold. But if the police found out that they had planted a bomb of some sort to kill us, it would be harder to talk out of. "

That made sense, but once again SPYDER had underestimated us. Thinking that a block will kill this team was a rookie mistake.

Lying low was really dull. You have no idea how mind-numbing it is to just wait. We had no leads. Absolutely none. That meant there was nothing to go off of and we would just have to lie low.

Finally, we heard some news. Most of the items that Mike had found were from the Middle East, specifically Saudi Arabia. We had no idea why anyone would be there and it was very frustrating. We had no idea we're Joshua, Murray, or Dane were. They seemed to me to be the most important people in the organization to me.

I came down to the lunch table and started spacing out. Apparently, I was looking at Lucas the whole time. Dad being Dad, decided to embarrass me and said, "Hey Mike, I have always thought of you as a brother. But in about 5 years I might be by law." he said pointing to me. Everyone else snickered and Grandad muttered something that I could not make out. I blushed red. Lucas looked embarrassed too. 

Luckily, Mom came to my rescue and told Dad to stop being so annoying. She threatened to tell me something about how he looked at her when they were kids. At this point, I was done. I just walked out of the room and watched some cartoons. And started to think about Lucas.

I liked him, But I could not be with him. Mom and Dad did not listen to grandpa. But still, I don't want to go against him. Plus it would be awkward because I think of him as a brother. I was confused. What if he did not like me? My head swirled.

I was restless. Those items had shown us something, but nothing had changed. Was it a trap? Did they want us to believe that and go to Saudi Arabia?

I had heard stories about how Dad had great deduction skills, and I was hoping that they would kick in soon. I hated doing absolutely nothing. It was terrible.

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