𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮

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Staring over the destroyed cliff, a male dressed in full armor let's out a quiet chuckle while smiling, "In conclusion, four people died? Sound right?" He said in a hum and turn his attention towards the knights behind him

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Staring over the destroyed cliff, a male dressed in full armor let's out a quiet chuckle while smiling, "In conclusion, four people died? Sound right?" He said in a hum and turn his attention towards the knights behind him.

The knights stares at the armored male in shock and fear as one of them shouts about their comrade being push off also, causing the armor knight to sigh, "Five it is then," he states plainly.

"That's too much, sir! Even for you!"

The brave knight only froze as the armor knight sends him a glare and takes at step towards them.

Before the armored male could do anything, Meliodas jumps onto the cliff with [Name] in his arms, "Are you okay?" He asked, earning a soft smile and a nod, "Yes, thank you. Are you okay, miss, Hawk?" She asked, turning her attention towards the two.

"Who said you could survive that fall without my permission?"


Meanwhile, Meliodas examines [Name's] body for any scratch and to relax his relief there wasn't, "When I give you the signal, I want to run into the forest." He says, causing the two to nod.

While the three discuss their get away plane, the armor knight began to take in the two girl appearance, "Fait must be smiling upon me today," he sends the group a smirk, "That ear ring your wearing is the match of 3rd princess [Name], who has been missing. Which means-

In conclusion! You are 4th princess, Elizabeth!"

The three snaps their head towards Elizabeth in shock, "Wait you're a Princess!?" They all asked in shock, while Elizabeth backs away in fear. The armor knight then turn his attention towards [Name] with a raised eyebrow, "You my dear seem extremely familiar." The knight lets outs groan, "Guess there will be a survivor."


Nearly making out the forest, Meliodas comes to a stop as a scream echoes through his ears, "Hey what are you waiting for!?" Hawk shouts as he notices Meliodas behavior, "[Name] in trouble." Meliodas mumbles as a dark aura surrounds him.


[Name] let's out a goan as the armor knight toss her to the ground, "For the last time, what is your name!" He demands as [Name] pushes her hair out of her face, "For the last time! If I tell you, you will die!" She shouts while lifting her upper half.

The armor knight sends [Name] a glare as he clenches his fist, [Name] comes to a stop as her gut began to turn, "Seems like I'll have to force it out of you." His words went in one of [Name's] ear and out the other as she quickly jumps out the way.

The armor knight sends [Name] a confused glances before letting out a painful scream as his arm drops onto the ground, "Sate sate sate." A eerie voice says as they creeps out the forest.

The armor knight glances over at the voice while [Name] takes a deep breath and closes her eyes and began to count backwards from 100 and blocks out the noise in the background, "Haven't anyone told not to touch something that isn't yours?"

The armor knight stares at Meliodas with fear as his body began to tremble as the messy blonde haired male send him a wide devilish grin.


Back at the tavern, Hawk glance at the tavern entrance with a worried gaze, "Do you think they're alright?" Elizabeth asked s he her gaze matches Hawks. Hawk shakes his head with a sigh while lowering his head, "It's not them I'm worried about." He mumbles.

Elizabeth pauses at Hawk's words but remain quiet as the door opens revealing Meliodas walking with his hand behind his back and [Name] behind him fixing her hair with a pout.

"Looks like you found your first Sin, Elizabeth!"


Earlier Today..

The group of knight looks at the Holy knight in confusion, "A tavern?" One knight asked, warning a nod from the Holy knight as they read the report, "A few men have been going missing after going to a tavern near the cliff. There's also been a few women missing but more men then women."

"So you want us to check it out?"

"Yes, and be on guard at all times. Who knows what we're getting in to."


Elizabeth stares at Meliodas in shock at his sudden confession, "S-so, if your Meliodas that must mean you know where [Name] is!" She exclaims with hope in here eyes, causing [Name] to chuckle, "Of course! She's right there." He says whole pointing his thumb towards [Name].

Finishing fixing her hair, [Name] let's out a yelp as Elizabeth tackles her to the ground with tears rolling down her cheek, "I've been looking everywhere for you, [Name]!" She shouts.

[Name] let's out a soft chuckle as she smooths Elizabeth's head with a soft smile resting on her lips as Elizabeth weeps into her chest. Hawk's turns towards Meliodas with a unreadable look, causing the messy haired male to raise a eyebrow, "Well you see we're also looking for Sins, that's why I started the tavern so I could gather information.

But it haven't been getting far, buttt if we have a had a girl brining in customers and gather information we'll be able find them in no time!"

'What are you planning Meliodas? '

"What do you say?" [Name] asks with excitement in her voice.

"I'll do it!" Elizabeth says, causing [Name] to frown silently.

'Oh, Elizabeth.... You don't know what you've just got yourself into...'

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