𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝑶𝒏𝒆

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Trotting down the path toward bastion prison, Hawk let's out a sight of annoyance as he spots the building further in the distance, "How much longer until we get there!?" He shouts as Elizabeth nods in agreement, "I know right

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Trotting down the path toward bastion prison, Hawk let's out a sight of annoyance as he spots the building further in the distance, "How much longer until we get there!?" He shouts as Elizabeth nods in agreement, "I know right..." she mumbled as she place her hand over her eyes to block the sun.

Lightly tapping Meliodas back with a sigh of annoyance, [Name] lets out a louder groan as she drops her lower half with a pout, "Can I get down now?" She exclaimed as she lifts her upper body, earning a chuckle from the messy haired male, "Are you done worrying?" Meliodas asked as he lightly taps [Name's] butt, earning a squeal from the [h/c] haired female.

"Can you blame me! First I found you laying on our bedroom floor and there's blood all over the floor! Then you wake up moving like bother ever happened." [Name] exclaims as she began to hit Meliodas back and kick her legs.

Coming to a halt, Meliodas places his hand on [Name's] to insure her safety as he gives her soft pats, "I don't blame you at all, but you gotta have a little hope in me." He grins as [Name] slowly stops with a frown, "It's not like I don't..." [Name] mumbles as she turns her gaze away.

Coming to a stop, Elizabeth glances up as she spots the giant brown haired female walking towards them in a trance state, "Diane?" Elizabeth asked a an everyone turns towards her, "Where've you been!? We've been looking for you!" Hawk exclaims as Diane remains quiet.

Noticing Diane's empty pupils, Meliodas send the brown haired female a confused expression as he slowly walks towards her, "Yo, Diane! Are you okay?" Meliodas as Diane turns her attention towards Meliodas with narrow eyes, before blinking away her trance.

"Meli..." Diane asked as she sends him a confused gaze.

"It's Captain, not Meli. And what happened to you?" Meliodas stated as the brown haired female sends him a frown.

Ignoring Meliodas harsh words, Diane glances around in confusion as she turns around and spots Boston Prison behind her, "What... I was just in front of... I don't know." Diane mumbled as she mumbled.

Glancing back at the brown haired female, [Name] turns back around in confusion as she remembers Diane rushing towards the prison head strong 'What happened...Did she ran into a holy Knight?' [Name] thought, before her eyes widen at the sound of a bell going off.

'She's under a spell!' [Name] thought as she lets out a tiny scream as the ground began to get smaller.

"What the hell are you doing, Diane!" Meliodas shouts as he wraps his arms around [Name's] legs to insure her safety as he jumps away from Diane's attack.

Ignoring Meliodas words, Diane sends the messy haired male an harsh glare as she glances her fist, "Where are they? Where are my friends!" She exclaims as she slams her fist into ground, causing the group to float in the air as they run away.

Watching as the giant brown haired female chases after them, [Name] glances up as she looks closely into her purple eyes with narrow eyes, 'There's gotta be something or someone, controlling her...but how?' [Name] thought as glances around until her eyes lands on a figure jumping through bushes, 'What?..'

Spotting a father and a son in the distance, the group slowly comes to a halt before the sound of of a bell rings everyone ears, "W-what?.." Diane mumbles, as she slowly comes to a stop.

Gently placing [Name] onto the ground, Meliodas turns towards Diane with a harsh glare as he walks towards the brown haired female, "What the absolute HELL, Diane!? Do you know how much you could've hurted [Name]!?" Meliodas shouts with clenched teeth.

Sending the blonde haired male and confused gaze, Diane turn her gazes towards [Name] before returning it towards Meliodas, "What are you talking about? I would never do such a thing!" Diane exclaims as she stares at Meliodas with narrow eyes.

"But you did..." Meliodas trails off as the sound of bell ring throw his and Diane ears, causing their pupils to slowly disappear.

Watching the two reaction with widen eyes, [Name] slowly takes a step back as she grabs onto Elizabeth's arm, "We need to leave." She mumbled as she grabs onto the son hand, "Like now!" [Name] shouts as Meliodas charges towards Diane, "Give her back!" Meliodas shouts.

"What is happening!?" Hawk shouts as the five runs away from the two battles.

Dashing through the forest, Elizabeth turns towards [Name] with worry gaze as she glances back at the two, "What do you think happened to them?" She asked, earning an side glance from the [h/c] haired female as she glances towards the bushes, "I... I don't know, but I got a feeling it has something to do with a Holy Knight." [ Name] states, as the kid sends her a widening eyes.

'I can't risk telling her without the person in the bush hearing...not to mention, the Holy Knight could be listing.' [Name] thought.

Getting to a distance, the group comes to a stop as the regain their breath, "Do you think we could snap them out of it?" Hawk asked, earning a small nod from the two females, "It's worth a try.." Elizabeth states as she takes a few step towards the two, "Diane! Sir Meliodas!" Elizabeth shouts, only to from as the two continue to fight.

Turning towards the younger male with a soft smile, [Name] lowers down to his level as she pats his head, "I want you stay right here okay? Elizabeth can you watch over him, While I try?" [Name] asked, earning a small nod, as the sliver haired female grabs onto his hand.

Watching as the two fought with her hair blowing through the wind, [Name] takes a deep breath as she nervously rubs the back of her neck, 'This can go two ways... I hope it goes the good way!' [Name] thought as she watches the blonde haired male, "Meliodas!" [Name] shouts, before covering her face as a gust of wind blasts her way.

Author~Chan: I literally rush, but didn't rush to finished this! 🤣

Anywho, I have created a Discord server where we can chat about theories and I can answer your questions! Feel free to join, link in bio!

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