𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆

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Clenching [Name's] body and burying his face into her neck, Meliodas remains quiet as he waited for a sign, "Please

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Clenching [Name's] body and burying his face into her neck, Meliodas remains quiet as he waited for a sign, "Please..." He begged as Elizabeth walks towards the messy haired male with a frown, "Sir Meliodas...." She whispered only  for Meliodas smack her hand as he send her a glare.

"Why didn't you help her?" Meliodas asked, earning a shock look from the sliver haired female as she clenches her fist, "What did you wanted me to do!? Push her out the way and take the beating myself!?" She shouted.

"Yes, I would rather it be you than her!" Meliodas shouted, before his eyes widen as baca he covers [Name's] body with his own as Ruin slams his fist into Meliodas' back, causing dust to surround the three.

Back away from the two, Elizabeth lets out a rough cough as she uses her hand to fan away the dust, "Sir Meliodas?" Elizabeth asked as walks towards them only to stop as she saw Ruin's body lying on the ground with his arms and legs pointed in different direction, while his head was missing...

Ignoring the headless body, Elizabeth continues through the dusty air as she comes to a stop to see Meliodas cradling [Name] as the [h/c] haired female runs her fingers through Meliodas' blonde hair.

Watching as the blonde haired male slowly pick [Name] with a harsh glare, Elizabeth turns the other way as Hawk rushes towards the sliver haired female with worried gaze as he comes to a stop beside her, "Are you okay, Elizabeth?" He asked, only to receive silence. Turning his head towards Meliodas and [Name's] direction, Hawk glancing over towards Elizabeth with a small frown as he noticed her clenched fist, "Elizabeth... Do you like, [Name]?" He asked, causing Elizabeth eyes to widen.


Walking over towards the group, Diane stares down at her best friend with a frown as her eyes gazes down at the bruise that covered [Name's] beautiful [s/c], "What happened to her?" She asked as she lowers herself down to their level.

Holding [Name] to his chest, Meliodas towards Diane with worried, "Hey, Diane.. Do you still have them beds in your backpack?" He asked, earning a nod from the brown haired female as she takes off her small orange backpack and opens it from the messy haired male.

"It'll be a bit bumpy from me walking." She warned as she watch Meliodas place the sleeping [h/c] haired female on one of the beds, "That's fine, I just don't want the Holy Knight to capture her while we get Ban." Meliodas stated.

"Speaking of Ban, I wonder if he knowns were here." Diane mumbled.

[Inside Baston Prison]

Walking down the long dark hallways that was brighten by a torchlight, a woman with slight short sliver hair that was held up into a pony tail comes to a stop in front of a cell that was guarded by two guards as a whistling sound rings through her ears, "Be on your guard men, the Seven Deadly Sins is here." She informed, taking the guards by shock as the whistling comes to a stop.

The guards nods their head, before quickly dodging as the metal door was heading there way, "He escaped!" One shouted in panic as his body began to tremble, "Out of all days, why now!?" The other exclaimed as hold out his sword nervously.

The sliver haired woman remains quiet as she watch a tall male with spiky light blue hair and beard and ruby red eyes step out the cell with a grin as purple pins sticks all through his body, "Well, Captain came to get me huh?" He stated as pulls out the pins with a bored expression.

Putting her hand in front of the guards, the sliver haired female steps in front of them as she send the light blue haired male a glare, "You two, go warned the other that Ban, Sin of agreed had escaped. And I, Holy Knights Apprentice, Jericho. Was able to recapture him." She said as Ban sends her a raised eyebrow, "You think you can handle me kid?" He asked with a mocking grin.

Glancing at Jericho with hesitation, the two guards nods their head as they relishes down the hall, "I'll only ask you this once. Step back into your cell at once!" Jericho demanded as Ban glances at her armor with smirk.

Ignoring the sliver haired female demands, Ban steps towards the smaller woman with a raised eyebrow as he takes in her appearance, "Do you think we have the same size?" He asked as he glances down at himself, hatching Jericho off guard, "What-?" She asked.

"Well, I can't really let bunny see me half naked! Captain would kill me! Twice, so Ima need your armor." Ban said as he stands over Jericho with glare, sending a shiver down the female spin, "Over my dead body!" She exclaimed as she attacks Ban.

Landing behind the light blue haired male, Jericho shields her sword as she turns around in shock to see Ban rubbing his now hairless chin with a grin, "You could be a barber, kid!" He exclaimed as Jericho steps back in horror, "N-not even a scratch?" She mumbled, gaining Ban's attention.

"Sorry, kid. But there's only one scratch on me!" He exclaimed as he points to a scar on his shoulder that runs down to his upper chest, leaving the sliver haired female speechless.

"Now, back to the clothes."

Rushing back to Ban's cell with more guards behind them, the group of men comes to a stop as they spot Jericho sitting on the floor with her hands covering her naked body with a hint of blush, "Lady Jericho!" A guard shouted as they stare at her with a hint of blush.

"Don't just stand there, get me a blanket or a jacket!"

"Yes Ma'am!"

Author-Chan~ It's been a minute, but I hope y'all enjoy! Do you guys think there will be a happy ending or a bad ending?

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