𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝔁𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷

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"That's the last thing I remembered

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"That's the last thing I remembered. The rest is blank, next thing you know I'm laying in a cell. That's how I met Hawk." Meliodas explained, earning worried gazes from Elizabeth and Diane, "Captain/ Sir Meliodas.." They whispered.

Believing the messy blonde haired male, Elizabeth turns towards Gilthunder with an determined expression, "See! Sir Meliodas wasn't the one who killed your father!" She exclaimed, only for Gilthunder to shake his head, "If that is the case, then where is Princess [Name]?" He asked.

Sending the pink haired male a confused look, Meliodas tilted his head to side by his sudden question, "What do you mean? Ain't she at the kingdom?" He asked, earning a glare in return, "One that exact day, her highness was reported missing without a single trace."

"What are you trying to say. That I did it? If so, how would I be able to kidnap her with an army of Holy Knights after me?" Meliodas asked as he studied Gilthunder movement.

Remaining quiet, Gilthunder let's out an mental sigh as he tightens his grip, 'She's behind him...' He thought while shaking his head, "That makes no difference to me. The sins are still rebels and traitors that plotted to over throw the kingdom, and that is all you people will ever be." He stated as he sent them harsher glares.

Having enough of Gilthunder's words, Elizabeth steps forwards with a small hiss leaving her lips, "That's enough, Gilthunder! Sir Meliodas wasn't the one who killed your father!" She exclaimed, earning a harsh glare from the pink haired male as he turns towards her, "Elizabeth. It's is required to bring you back to Liones, but it makes no difference to me. You could be a headless chicken running down the road for all I care."

Ignoring the sliver head female shocked face, Gilthunder steps towards Meliodas with an harsh glare, "As for you, princess [Name]." He stated, causing the group eyes to widen.

'He noticed me/her?!'

Noticing Meliodas shocked formed, Gilthunder could feel the woman smirk as he wields his sword, 'Change of plans!~ Bring back princess [Name], we'll deal with the Sins later." A woman voice chuckled inside the pink haired male's head.

Stepping towards the messy haired male, Gilthunder summons blue lighting around his sword, "Princess [Name], the kingdom have been looking for since the past 10 years. His highness will be extremely happy to see you return safely and unharmed." He stated as the lighting bonds disappeared from around her.

Sending the pink haired male a harsher glare, Meliodas clenches his fist as he began to break through the lighting bond, "It's useless." Gilthunder stated as [Name] gently placed her hand on his shoulder.

Gaining Meliodas attention, [Name] shakes her head as she send him a small smile and slowly walks in between Gilthunder and the others, "I'm sorry, Gilthunder. But I can not sit back and let you hurt them, they are innocent people!" [Name] stated as she holds out her arms in a protective way, earning a soft glare.

Letting out a mental sigh, Gilthunder knew he couldn't take [Name] back to the kingdom in fear of what will happened to the [h/c] female. But he knew he had to get her away from the Sins for the upcoming events, "Ugh, I c-can smell by rib cage cooking!" Hawk whimpered, gaining the pink haired male.

Gilthunder watches Hawk in confusion as the pink pig slowly crawl towards him causing, Gilthunder to glance over towards [Name] before he raises his foot and kick Hawk further away.

"Hawk!" [Name] shouted as she quickly lift up the ends of her dress and chase after him without a second thought.

"Now that we're alone." Gilthunder stated as he turns his attention back towards the group.

Finally relaxing his shoulders, Meliodas let's out a sigh of relief and turns his attention towards Gilthunder as the pink haired male steps in front of him, "Are ya sure you wanna do this? You've never been able to defeat me before, what makes now so different?" Meliodas teased.

Gilthunder shakes his head as he leans down to Meliodas height and looks the messy blonde haired male in his eyes, "That was long ago. As now, I am more powerful then the Seven Deadly Sins." He stated, only going a shrug in response as Meliodas sends him a playful grin, "I don't know. Maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong." He said.

"How about we find out. I'll release-"

Cutting himself off, Gilthunder eyes widen as he watch Meliodas break out of the lighting bond and charge at him with no hesitation. Acting fast, Gilthunder blocks Meliodas' attacks with his sword, "Don't interfere, Diane!" Meliodas shouted as the two males sword clash together.

Breaking out of the bonds, Diane sends Meliodas a pout at his words, "Aw! You get all the fun.." she mumbled with a soft chuckle, until a small whimper gains her attention, "Lady Diane. A-a little help p-please." Elizabeth whimper, earning a nervous nods from the dark brown haired female, 'Nearly forgot about her!' Diane thought.

Intense fills the air as the two jumps a few feet away from each other and wait for one to make a move, Gilthunder acts fast as he appears in front of Meliodas and tries to struck the messy haired male with his lightning sword, "Right back at ya'. " Meliodas grinned as Gilthunder attack reflects back towards him.

"And you'll be dead." Gilthunder stated as he quickly dodge the attack and appears behind Meliodas prepared to swing, butt the messy haired male quickly turns his body towards Gilthunder making their sword clash together once again.

After dodging each other attack, Meliodas jumps few feet back and send the pink haired male a proud grin, "I gotta admit. You've approved over the years!" He said.

Surrounding his body with blue lighting, Gilthunder jumps towards Meliodas and clash his sword against his broken on, "Yet you still believe, you're superior to me." He said as the two glares into each other eyes, only for Gilthunder to grin as he began to added more of his weight, "I can sense it. You're beginning to feel a bit of fear." He stated.

"Am I?" Meliodas asked as he tilts his head.

A/n: Amd here it is folks! Please do not mind the updates after this, I will be changing the gif from this book!

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