𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚

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Staring at Golgius in disbelief, [Name] nervously takes a step back as the male stands over her, "W-What have you done?" [Name] asked as the armored male watches her movements closely

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Staring at Golgius in disbelief, [Name] nervously takes a step back as the male stands over her, "W-What have you done?" [Name] asked as the armored male watches her movements closely.

"I simply did what I was ordered to do, princess." He stated.

"And may I ask what that is?"

"Return you to the kingdom, under any circumstances. Even if that mean getting rid of... well pests."

Having enough of Golgius' words, Hawk quickly rushes towards the male, "As if we'll let you take her that easily!" Hawk shouts as he rushes towards the two, cause [Name] to turn towards him with a worried gaze, "Hawk! Wait!" She called out.

Watching the pink pig rush towards him with a bored expression, Golgius raised his leg and struck Hawk. [Name] watches in horror as her pink animal friends bounces on the walls in the room, "Hawk!" She shouts once more as she tries to reach for the male.

Watching the scene in front of her take place, Elizabeth hesitantly takes a step back as she tries to think of ways to help her, 'Come on, Elizabeth! Get yourself together! if u do this he will have no choice but to respect you!' The sliver haired female thought to herself with a clench fist.

"ENOUGH!" Golgius shouts as he harshly grabs [Name's] arm and grabs Meliodas' sword as the [h/c] female to let's out a small hiss at his tight grip, "I am taking the princess and your broken sword! And there's nothing you can do about it!" He shouts as he roughly snatched Meliodas' sword out the blonde haired male hands.

Holding the broken sword in the air, Golgius turns and looks down at that unconscious messy haired male with an hidden wide grin, 'Looks who's.....what?' He thought as his eyes lands on any empty bed.

Feeling his body come to a stop, Golgius slowly glances around at the feeling a of dark energy, 'How did he!?' Golgius thought at he slowly turns  around to see Meliodas standing behind him.

[Name] lets out a small yelp as she was quickly shoved into a soft surface, causing the [hair texture] female's body to relax as familiar presence comes over, "Meli?" [Name] mumbled as hand was placed over her eyes.

Staring into Meliodas' dark purple eyes, Golgius takes a few steps back as his eyes darted around the room to look for a quick exit, 'Don't think this is the end, Meliodas!' He thought as he quickly jumps out the window and disappears.

Quietly letting out a sigh of annoyance, Meliodas slowly remove his hands of [Name] face and places it on her waist as he began to take in his surroundings, "Woah, where are we?" He asked as Elizabeth and Hawk stares at him in shocked, "Wait....you mean you don't remember?" Hawk asks as he trots over towards the two.

"I mean, I remember going upstairs to sleep." Meliodas shrugged.

Slightly flinching at the sounded move, Meliodas turns his gaze down at the [h/c] haired female at that cupped his face with a frown, "Y-you....You scared the mess out of me... You little minion! I thought you was dead..." She mumbled as her body began to tremble.

Staring at [Name] with widening eyes, Meliodas remains quiet as he slowly lowers her hands and wraps his arms around the trembling female, gently pushing her head on his chest, "I'm sorry, [Name]." He whispers into her ear as he gently rubs her back.

Watching the two have their moment, Hawk walks over towards Elizabeth and gently shoves her and the doctor out the room, "Let's leave and let them have their moment." He quietly says as they leave the room.


Taking a few steps back, [Name] glances up at Meliodas as she blinks away her tears, "Are you sure, you're okay?" She asked as Meliodas wipes away her tears with a nod, "Yep! Feel brand new." He stated as he began to rotate his arm.


[Name] give Meliodas a small nod in response as her eyes trails down to a large scare that lays across Meliodas' chest, "If you say so..." she mumbled, while tracing her finger along it, "Well...if you don't believe me.. I guess I'll have to show you!" Meliodas exclaims with a grin, taking the [h/c] female by surprise.

Taking a few step back at Meliodas' wide grin, [Name] sends the messy haired male a raised eyebrow, "What's that suppose to mean?" She asked with a playful grin. Meliodas send [Name] a soft smirk as he quickly picks up the [h/c] female and tosses her over his shoulder, earning a squeal in response.

"What are you- Let me down!" [Name] exclaims as she lifts her upper body.

"Not until you stop worrying." Meliodas stated as he walks out the doctor clinic with an wide eating grin.

"Not fair!" [Name] shouts as she lets out a sigh of defeat.

Stepping out side the office with a soft chuckle, Meliodas glances over towards the sliver haired female and Hawk with an question gaze as he failed to find the brown haired giant, "Where's Diane?" He asked as the two walks towards him.

"She went off ahead to rescue Ban." Hawk says as Elizabeth turns her gaze towards [Name] with an confused expression.

Blocking out Meliodas and Hawk conversations, Elizabeth could help but mental cringe at the sight of [Name] hanging off Meliodas shoulders like a stack of potatoes and to be honest she wanted nothing more then to be in his spot..

"Elizabeth! Hellllo!" Hawk shouts as he gently taps her with his head, causing the sliver haired female to snap out of her thoughts, "Huh? Oh yes?" She asked as she turns her attention towards the two.

"Did you hear what we said?" Hawk asked, earning a soft 'no' from the straight haired female.

"We planning on going after Diane." Meliodas states blankly as he watches Elizabeth with narrow eyes.

"O-oh! Well, what are we waiting for?" Elizabeth said nervously as she rubs the back of neck.


Don't be shy finish the lyric~<3

I'm baccck guys and I'm sorry to say but I skipped the whole Golgius chase to get to the juicer stuff ;)

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