𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷

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Watching as the dark clouds get closer, Elizabeth's eyes widen as she spots multiple small insects, "It's poison insects!" She shouted, causing everyone to look up with widen eyes

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Watching as the dark clouds get closer, Elizabeth's eyes widen as she spots multiple small insects, "It's poison insects!" She shouted, causing everyone to look up with widen eyes.

Glancing over at the brown haired female, Hawk quickly trotted over towards her with a determined grin, "You got this Diane! It's their just tiny little bugs!" He exclaimed as he turns towards the bugs with a cocky grin, "Wait, Hawk! Diane doesn't like-" [Name] shouted only to stop as Diane lets out a small scream.

Turning towards Diane with widening eyes, Hawk watches as the brown haired female squats down with her hands over her head, "Ewwww! I hate bugs!" Diane exclaimed, taking the pink pig by surprise, "WHATTTTT!!?"

Frowning at her friend scared look, [Name] glances up at the toxic rain as it began to slow melt the angel statue that they was under, 'For Diane! For Diane!' She thought as she quickly rushes towards the giant female, taking Elizabeth by surprise. "[Name]! Wait!" Elizabeth shouted only to stop as a rain drop falls onto her hand.

Hiss as the toxic rain falls on her, [Name] quickly picks up her pink anime friend as she runs under Diane for cover, "Diane! It's going to be okay, I promise." [Name] says softly as she gently rubs the brown haired female leg.

Starring down at [Name] with worried eyes, Diane softly frowns as she glances at the small holes that appeared on [Name] dress as the [h/c] haired female softly rubbed her leg to smooth her nerves, "Everything's going to be okay, I just need you to breathe okay?" [Name] said as she send Diane a soft smile.

Sending the [H/c] female a small nod, Diane slowly removes her arms as an image of an injured Meliodas appears in her head causing the brown haired female to clench her fist and slams them onto the ground in behind [Name] and Hawk.

'I can't....No! I won't let a couple of bug stop me!'

Watching as multiple stone pillars appear out the and kills the bugs instantly with a soft smile, [Name] turns towards Diane with a smile as she gives the brown haired female a nod, "I knew you could do it!" [Name] exclaimed.

Diane returns [Name's] smile as she watches the [h/c] haired female head back inside the doctors room, "I'm sorry we left out like that." You politely say as Elizabeth and follows in behind you, "It's quite alright." The doctor says as he began to give Meliodas a purple liquid medicine.

"This should eases the pain."

Stepping to the side, the doctor slightly glance over at the trio with worried gaze as the pink animal watches Meliodas with slightly widening eyes, "Whoa! It's almost like he's dead!" Hawks says as Meliodas remains motionless for the past thirty minutes.

[Name] frowns at Hawks statement as she slowly walks towards Meliodas side and places her hand on top of his, "Don't say that Hawk! You'll freak [Name] out." Elizabeth says as she mumbled the last part and watches the [h/c] female carefully.

Watching over the lifeless blonde haired male, [Name] let's out a soft sigh as she stares at the bandages that wraps around Meliodas shoulder, 'Please be okay...' she thought as her [e/c] eyes lands on a small mark on Meliodas' left chest, 'huh?'

"You're right.." the doctor stated his a dark shadow appears over his eyes as the trio turns towards him with widening eyes."

Sending the brown haired male an worried expression, [Name] slowly steps back as her legs hits the bed, "What do you mean, Doctor?" She asked as Hawk steps forward with a glare, "You mean he actually dead?" Hawk asked.

"Well done, Doc." A mysterious voice states as the trio began to look around into to find the source of the voice, "It is impossible for this boy to wake up." The doctor stated after naming poisoning herbs that were added into the medicine.

Not being able to find the voice, Elizabeth glares around as she takes a step forward in hopes to be imitating, "Reveal yourself!" She demands as [Name] let's out a tiny squeak, "Princess [Name], it is with great pleasure to finally meet you. And I am truly sorry that it is under this circumstance." The mystery voices says as he appears in front of the [h/c] female with a respectful bow. 

Taking in the appearance of the male in front of her, [Name] glances up at the bull horns that was made into the male's helmet with narrow eyes, "A-and you are?" She asked, earning a soft chuckle in return.

"I am Holy Knight Golgius. At your service."

Remaining quiet, [Name] glances over towards Meliodas with a frown and turns her attention back towards the sliver armor male with an determine expression, "Well then Holy Knight Golgius! What is the meaning of this, I-I understand you are told to bring me back... but killing the man that kept me protected over these years is too far!" She stated.

Quietly staring at the [h/c] female, Golgius let's out a annoyed sigh as he watches her expression. In all honesty, Golgius didn't quite understand why you were worry about a man that took you against your will. As he watches your behavior, Golgius couldn't help but clench his fist at the thought of another man having all your attention....you didn't even remember him.

"I'm sorry, but it was only way to bring you back without causing damages." Golgius sates as he steps closer towards you and grabs Meliodas broken sword with one hand and [Name's] wrist in the other, "I was given direct orders on how this mission shall...I mean will play out. Even if that means I have to take you to Liones by force." He explain as [Name] tries to release herself from Golgius grip.

Golgius ignores [Name's] weak attempt to release herself from his grip as he tugs in Meliodas' sword, 'What?' Golgius thought as the sword falls back down to Meliodas side.

Author~Chan: FINALLLLY! I am getting back into the hangs of posting these stories but, it will be a slow update!

Also what do you guys think about

Ban x Reader

Zeldris x reader

Gilthunder x Reader?

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