𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏

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There's more but where's the fun in laying out all my cards

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There's more but where's the fun in laying out all my cards...

Finishing the last bandage, the doctor stares at [Name] with a frown as he stares at the bandage that nearly covered her entire body, "What times is it?" He asked, glancing over towards his daughter as she puts bandages and two bottles into a leather drawstring bag, "They should be arriving soon..." she mumbled as she glance over at the unconscious [h/c] haired female.

'Should I say something?...'  she thought as a soft groan can be heard, gaining their attention.

Slowly lifting her body up with a groan, [Name] glances around in confusion as she brings a hand to her forehead as she felt a sharp pain, "What happened?" She asked as she looks over towards the two, causing them to freeze.

Before either one could answer [Name's] question, a loud knock could be heard gaining everyone's attention. Glancing over towards his daughter, the doctor lets out a nervous sigh as [Name] sends them a confused look, "Coming!" The doctor called out as he quickly rushes towards the door.

Glancing down at the bandages on her arms, [Name] let's out a sigh as she runs her finger through her eyes  as the memories began to fill her head, "Maybe I shouldn't had taken the bell that way..." she mumbled as the short haired female hesitantly walks towards her, "Excuse me?" She whispered, gaining the [h/c] haired female attention.

"Do he abuse you?" She whispered, catching [Name] by surprise as she quickly turns towards the shorter haired female with widening eyes.

[Name] takes a deep breath as she closes her eyes and send the short haired female a soft smile, "Of course not, Meli loves me to much to do that." She stated as she turns her gaze towards the window with her hair covering her face.

"You don't have to worry-"

"Worry about what?" Meliodas asked, as he comes to a stop by the door and sending the shorter haired female a hidden glare, while the doctor comes up from behind the messy haired male with worry gaze.

The short haired female send Meliodas an worry glance as she glance over at [Name] in panic, "We were- Well I was..." she strutted as she takes a few steps back as Meliodas walks over towards [Name].

"She was telling me about my injuries." [Name] said as she turns towards Meliodas with soft smile as the messy haired male cups her cheek. Meliodas glances down at the bandage with a frown as he turns towards the doctor and his daughter with a blank expression, "How is she?" He asked.

"She'll be okay, while we were stitching up some of her wounds... we found second degree burns on both her legs and arms, so we had to put some cream on them on them." The doctor informed as he grabs a small drawstring bag and hands it to Meliodas, "I've had packed two bottles of the cream and five banged for both arms and legs. The smaller bandages are for the stomach."

Meliodas nodes his head as he grabs the drawstring bag, "When do I reapply the cream and wrap the bandages?" He asked, as the doctor pushes up his glasses, "To prevent a scar from forming, I recommend every night before bed. But only apply a small amount of the cream directly on the burn so it doesn't cause it irritation to the skin."

Letting out a nervous sigh, Meliodas nods his head as slowly lifts [Name's] cover only freeze as he stares at her [s/k] with widening eyes as they stare back at him, "What happened to her dress?" He asked as he slowly began to wrap the blanket around [Name's] body, "We had to cut it, to be able to reach the wounds. I recommend a looser dress that wouldn't be tight around her bandages." The doctor stated as he watched the messy haired male gently pick up the injured female.

Gently carrying [Name] to the tavern, Meliodas glances down at the [h/c] haired female with narrow eyes before turning his gaze back forward, "What was she really talking about?" He asked, earning a raised eyebrows from the female, "What do you mean?" She asked as she glances up at the messy haired male.


Arriving to the tavern, Meliodas carries [Name] to their shared room and gently places her on the bed, "Wait right here.." He gently stated as he walks towards their shared closet, earning a weak giggle from the [h/c] haired female as she tilts her head to the side, "I can't just walk away." She lightly joked.

Meliodas lightly chuckled as he grabs a light blue sleep gown and walks towards her, "Your right, sorry." He smiled as gently helped her change.

"Where is everyone?" [Name] asked as she slowly lifts her arm to help Meliodas pull the down over her head, "Their in the back celebrating Ban's return." Meliodas mumbled as he softly pulls her hair from under the gown, earning a smile in return, "I hope he's doing good." She smiled, earning soft pats from the messy haired male as chuckles.

Author~Chan: HIII I'm back loves!!! Well I may disappear for a bit do to personal reasons, but I will continue to work on the book so don't worry! But for now here's an image of the readers new dress and if you're not comfortable wearing dresses here's some shorts/pants outfits!

Author~Chan: HIII I'm back loves!!! Well I may disappear for a bit do to personal reasons, but I will continue to work on the book so don't worry! But for now here's an image of the readers new dress and if you're not comfortable wearing dresses h...

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For this one please remember that it can't be too tight!

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For this one please remember that it can't be too tight!

𝑪𝒓𝒂𝒛𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖Where stories live. Discover now