chapter 32

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Humble Beginnings

Pleasant blue skies above, and the twittering of birds amongst the breezes rustle of leaves on the trees - Arthur found himself appreciating nature in a wholly different light as he approached the Leverson Ranch House to meet up with Peter again

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Pleasant blue skies above, and the twittering of birds amongst the breezes rustle of leaves on the trees - Arthur found himself appreciating nature in a wholly different light as he approached the Leverson Ranch House to meet up with Peter again.

On the way up, his eyes curiously gazed around at the vast property - the full barns and the lush green paddocks, excited for once about actually doing some work that didn't involve gunfire.

"Ah! Mr Callahan!" Peter called loudly from the porch front of the beautifully large Ranch House, and older thin gentleman at his side.

"Pa, this is our new stable hand Mr Callahan, he arrived a little while ago with his wife." The son introduced, as Arthur met the Ranch owner at the base of the porch steps - shaking his hand warmly.

"Pleasure to meet ya', Mr Callahan." Mr Leverson exclaimed, "I gotta say, it's nice to see a feller older than 20 working here. Most of them kids don't know how to feed a horse let alone break one or bring one on." He scoffed, at which point Peter could be spotted rolling his eyes subtly at his father.

Arthur laughed politely, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand as the older rancher let go of his grip at last.

"I hope I can do y' proud, sir." The cowboy replied with a hopeful smile, earning an affirmative nod from the ageing Mr Leverson.

"From what my boy tells me, seems like you're the man for the job. Apparently I hear you did a real good job of calming down one out wiliest stallions!"

"It's true pa," Peter chipped in, "ain't no one worked such a wonder on Buttons before."

A rather innocent name for a stallion that had, in the moment, been threatening to kick and had its ears flat back in pure contempt.

"It werent nothin'." Arthur downplayed nonchalantly, as Peter shook his head quickly in rejection.

"Ah, curb the modest Mr Callahan!" He chuckled, "let me show ya around a bit, let you get used to it all." He directed, patting Arthur on the arm as he led the way across the yard - leaving Arthur a short window to wave goodbye to Mr Leverson and follow suit, a keen urge to at least try to remember something he was shown today.

Peter toured Arthur around one of the two barns first, it's dusty structure filled with 8 or so stalls, containing some fine mares - rare breeds and all. The next barn followed the same pattern, stabling some of the most sought after stallions this side of the river.

Arthur had never seen such beautiful horses, seeing them all stabled and well cared for made him even more keen to get to work. Hell, even he didn't think he would be so keen to get invested with the role as much as he was.

Back in the bright sunshine, it's rays blinded the cowboy momentarily - as he urged to keep up with the slim and hurried 20 something year old lad. They headed over to the paddocks next and some of the store buildings - where tack and feed could be found.

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