chapter 8

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The Outlaws & The Outcasts

The Outlaws & The Outcasts

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Some weeks later ~

With your newly appointed post, you had been expecting to be holding up folks and robbing banks by now - but your instead your life continued... much the same really, if not with a splinter of more freedom.

You'd spent your earnings from the sold trinkets' of your father on new clothes - black riding breeches, a simple mauve button up blouse and fancy black riding boots to name a few of the new additions that had entered your clothing chest. The other items you'd acquired were mostly weapons - a proper Varmint Rifle for hunting, a Rolling Block rifle and a Lancaster Repeater - yet despite all these you still really rather cherished the cattleman revolver Arthur had so kindly donated to you.

The days consisted of mainly hunting - taking to New Hanover or the areas by Moonstone pond to gather kills such as rabbits and deer to bring back to camp. Often or not if you found something of more profitable means to kill, you'd take the opportunity to earn some cash and make the short ride into Valentine to sell to the Butcher. It was strange how you rather enjoyed the small 'errand' - despite the odd looks you gained from the small-minded locals who had only ever known a woman behind a stove or with a mop and bucket in her hands.

So, it was safe to say life was at a slower pace. Not exactly that you detested it in anyway, the hunting runs and trips to the Butcher were a damn sight more interesting than any basket of washing could ever be. Besides it got you out and about, and especially now everyone was doing their own jobs and tasks (including a now mended Arthur) - it was time better spent than moping around a campfire or chopping vegetables.

You had half expected this crisp clear mid morning to be the same as all your previous ones this past week - as you sat at the base of a tree trunk at the periphery of camp, taking good care of the arms that had provided the camp with many meals recently. It was safe to say you were the most meticulous about the cleaning of your guns than any other at the camp.

"Hey, (name)!" Lenny rushed over with a bounce in his step, "you free? I got a good lead that I think needs lookin' into." His voice was unable to hide his excitement.

Glancing around, you noticed every other gang member bar the women, Herr Strauss, Pearson and Uncle were out. (You imagined Reverend Swanson was most likely out drinking somewhere.)

No wonder it had been so quiet this morning.

Looking back at Lenny, you couldn't believe that the moment was actually here. Your time to get out and do what you had been thinking about all this time since being 'promoted'. Doing an actual job!

The thoughts in your head told you to play it cool, as you rose to stand, slinging your Lancaster Repeater over your back.

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