chapter 4

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Country Pursuits, not for the Fainthearted

You were the first one to wake, whilst the air was still as chilled as ice and the sky as black as coal

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You were the first one to wake, whilst the air was still as chilled as ice and the sky as black as coal. It was very early morning, most bodies in the camp were still asleep but no matter how hard you had tried, you tossed and turned the whole night through.

Everything seemed to clash in your mind finally... the death of your father, your new predicament, and fear of the future. As you'd laid in that small, barely sheltered canopy tent - you had a crisis with yourself. Was this really what you wanted? To freeze to death every night in the wilderness, the worry of someone stabbing you always constantly in the back of your mind? Or was this just a momentary state of mind because you had realised all you had been through the past few days?

So, you had stirred quietly and wandered over to where the last embers of the campfire had been roaring. A few kindling pieces and a little bit of gentle provocation, the fire began to roar again. You had sat nestled before it in the early jaws of the morning, staring into the licks of orange and red and wondering whether this feeling of being lost and detached would ever fade away at some point.

Close to the heat of the flames, you'd drifted asleep - shattered and exhausted from the less than refreshing night's sleep.

Your only wake up call would follow some hours later, as the sun was rising in the fresh morning air - the sky a pallid blue and the landscape misted with a veil of premature fog. The first you knew of it all, was a gentle nudging to the side of your boot.

Being paranoid about the new surroundings, your system automatically leapt into flight mode, and you had a small panic - snapping awake so violently it appeared even Arthur looked concerned at how spooked you looked for the first few seconds.

"Mornin'," he said after some moments, when your heart had settled. It was plain to see his stormy blue eyes searching over your fatigued, unkempt figure and he tried to hide the frown of concern.

"Y' still up for huntin'?" He asked some moments after, a hesitation to his voice. The inner eager child in you raised to stand, and you shook your head defiantly.

"Yes, we're still going." You replied, "just let me go and get myself presentable first." Your voice was ridden with sleep despite the desperation to try and at least hide it - as you made your way across the camp to get sorted.


You hadn't been here long and had fleeting and very brief introductions to the people in Dutch's 'gang' - luckily for you, there were women here too. It somehow made you feel more comfortable. You'd never been able to have friends, had no sisters and your mother was as good as gone. You were in need of some female company.

The girls all seemed very kind - very different to one another, but all very fiery and strong. You'd spoken to them very little, having only been introduced yesterday evening before dinner - but they made sure to let you know if you needed a hair brush, makeup, or to borrow some clothes whilst you got settled - that their things were as good as yours.

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