Someone's World

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Bucky leaned against the wall listening to the information Steve had and wishing he was back in bed with you. 

"We believe he's located here," he said showing a map on the screen

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"We believe he's located here," he said showing a map on the screen. "We have some undercovers scoping it out, once he's been spotted we'll swarm the place. Thor and Loki said they're going to take point on the woman, Sylvie." He nodded toward Thor. 

Bucky had already spoken with Loki about him leaving. He knew that was going to be hard for you, especially with the threat of Markus. But he couldn't lie he was looking forward to having some alone time with you. He fisted his hand thinking about your hair wrapped around it. 

"Do we know if he has anyone else working for him?" Bucky asked trying to refocus.

"As far as we know he has a few men, no one extraordinary except Sylvie," Natasha added. "Intel says that she's no longer on this planet but we'd like to know why she was working for him and what he had that she needed." 

"He's not the type that inspires loyalty," Thor added. "If she was working for him it was for profit or need. Me and my brother will find out either way." Thor turned toward Steve. "I trust that my little one can stay here for protection." 

"Of course," Steve replied

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"Of course," Steve replied. "We'll protect her at all cost. As well as, (y/n)," he added looking toward Bucky. Bucky half heartedly smiled at him.  "That's all the intel we have right now, so how about some breakfast?" Steve smiled. 

"I'll go wake them," Bucky smiled noticing Steve smile and shake his head. "What?" Bucky asked.

"I guess I'm just trying to figure out how you have a them," Steve replied.

Bucky smirked thinking about his current situation. "It's different," Bucky said. "But for her," he stalled seeing you smiling I'm his head. "I would do anything. I missed so much of my life. So much was taken away but with her I feel like I get some of it back. Yes, it's quick and I know you hate Loki." Steve raised his eyebrow and nodded.

"But what wouldn't you do for the right one?" Bucky added.

"As long as your happy," Steve replied.

"I am," Bucky said. "More than you know. I finally feel somewhat in control again, making my own decisions and trusting others. For a long time I didn't think I'd be able to do those things again."

Steve placed his hand on Bucky's shoulder. "Then I'm happy for you Buck, really."

Bucky gave him a smile and then headed out. He quickly walked down the hallway reaching his door, feeling excited to see you and Loki again.

He opened the door and smirked as he noticed the sheets were disheveled and the bathroom had fresh steam coming from it. He pushed open the bathroom door and pulled the shower curtain back as you both stared back at him your face reddening as if you had been caught in the act. Coy looks upon your faces.

Bucky's eyes narrowed on the hickey on your chest, which hadn't been there this morning.

"Really you two?" he smiled handing you a towel. "Cant leave you two brats alone for a second." 

You giggled as he wrapped the towel around you, kissing your cheek

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You giggled as he wrapped the towel around you, kissing your cheek. "Your smiling now, but once I get you alone, you won't be," he threatened. He passed another towel toward Loki. 

"And you," he pointed at him. "You'll pay for that when you get back." 

Loki snickered as he dried off, "Looking forward to it." 

"Get dressed," Bucky said. "Breakfast is ready downstairs."  

You pulled your go bag out and reached for the black pants and black shirt you kept inside.  You slid on your panties and clothes. Loki snapped his fingers and appeared in a black button up with black trousers. Your hair was a mess and you had no plans to do anything about it at the moment. 

Bucky grabbed your hand and led you both out the room and toward the communal kitchen

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Bucky grabbed your hand and led you both out the room and toward the communal kitchen. You could hear their voices before you entered. Natasha sat next to Steve as she sipped her coffee and Thor and Anya sat on the other side eating toast and eggs. 

"Please help yourself," Steve said smiling as you entered. Your stomach grumbled realizing the last things you ate was a glass of wine and Loki's come. 

Loki sat down next to his brother and began discussing where they would look first for Sylvie.

You grabbed some eggs and bacon sitting down next to Steve as Bucky made his plate.

"Thank you for letting me stay," you began. "I didn't mean to cause this much trouble."

Steve grinned. "It's no trouble at all. It's what we do, help others."

"You save the world," you replied. "I'm really no one in the grand scheme of things." You bit a piece of bacon as Steve cocked his eyebrow and looked over your shoulder, first st Loki then at Bucky.

"You're their world," he said taking a sip of orange juice. You smiled as you looked over at Loki, who gave you his devilish grin and then at Bucky. He winked as he grabbed his plate, toast in his mouth and walked over toward you.

"And their mine," you whispered to yourself.

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