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Your eyes barely opened as he slid the knife from inside you. Your breathing was hard and heavy as you watched him bring it to his mouth. His bright blue eyes locked on to yours. A grin crept across his face as his tongue darted out and licked the handle. 

You giggled. A boy and his toy.

"I could live a hundred more years, but I don't think I could do it without you," he whispered as he placed the knife to the side and lifted himself between your legs. Hovering over you.

His hand gripped your chin as he kissed you deeply, letting you taste yourself on him. You slid your hand up and over his shoulders and your mouth opened to his tongue. 

The hard stubble in his chin grazed your skin. His hand slid down to your throat, his thumb making circles as he moved.

He was taking your breath away in more ways than one. You shuddered a breath as his grip tightened around your throat. His Vibranium hand pushed your right arm above your head, interlacing his fingers with yours. Your left hand clawed into his back, demanding more. 

He pulled back slightly, taking his lips away. Your hand slid up his stomach across his abs up to his chest. He released your neck, and reached down. You could feel the tip of him as he positioned himself.

You watched his dark hair cling to the side of his face. Watched the light reflect off his arm as he held your hand and the muscles in his other arms were flexed. You traced the faint haphazard scars that had sculpted him into utter perfection. Everything in the room felt hazy except for him. 

He gripped your hips with one hand and his other hand squeezed yours. Reassuring you, reading you.

He thrust hard inside of you. He moaned as your wetness enveloped him. Your breathing came short as you felt every inch of him inside you. Your thighs tightened around him. He thrust again and again. Slow and hard, deliberately making you feel him, accept him.

Your free hand grabbed at him wanting more. His pace quickened.

You pushed back finding his rhythm. Moaning as every thrust sent a throbbing ache through your body. His hand reached up again taking your throat as he kissed you. His grip was unyielding as he continued to drive into you. You gasped into his mouth with what little air he gave you. 

His hips hit hard against you. Every push sent fire through your body. You shuddered beneath him as you continued to fight for air. His grip let up just to tease a breath and then tightened again. You clawed at his back. Wanting to mark him, to fight him. To own him as he owned you.

You were usually the one on top. The one who called the shots. But underneath him you were helpless.

Your nails dug in hard, and he grunted loudly. Pulling up from your kiss he grinned wickedly down at you.

You raised your hand and slapped him.

He didn't stop thrusting as he licked his lips and laughed. He let go of your neck and grabbed your hand. Quickly bringing it up with your other one. He pounded into you harder, rolling his hips so his hilt pushed against your clit. You pushed your hips harder against his. Fighting him with all you had left.

He laughed again as his mouth dove into your neck. Your back arched. His lips pressed hard against your neck. His tongue tracing your pulsing vein. Your body pushed against his, struggling for release. 

His breath was warm against your neck as he thrusted inside you again. "You can't fight me doll," He groaned. "You're right where I want you." You struggled harder against him. 

"You're mine now," he whispered into your neck. Your walls clenched around him. "Tell me you want it," he demanded as you started to shudder beneath him. "Tell me doll." 

"I want it," you whimpered feeling the pulse rise in your stomach again. "Please, Bucky." 

He picked up speed. Thrusting inside you and holding you down. He groaned against your neck. Instead of a kiss, he bit down hard. His mouth latched down hard. His teeth sinking in as his tongue lapped at your skin.You cried out. The pain shot through you, your legs shook with the agonizing pleasure of another orgasm.

Your entire body erupted; your heart pounded in your ears as you quivered to his sweet torture. He continued to drive inside you when you felt his body spasm. He let go of your hands, wrapping them around him as he came. He kissed you softer. His finger tracing your cheeks as he caught his breath. He placed his forehead against yours. 

All you could see was the blue reflected from his eyes. The world felt hazy as your rode the high of your orgasm. You held on to him gently, keeping him on top of you.

He traced your bottom lip with his thumb. All your limbs felt heavy and weak. Your heart still pounding in your chest as he carefully slid from inside you. He rolled to the side and the cold air felt like pins against your skin. He pulled you into his arms, laying your head on his chest. You could hear his heart beating just as fast as yours. 

Your thoughts were everywhere. And as you continued to catch your breath you realized you weren't scared for a moment. Not when he cut away your dress or slid a deadly weapon inside you or when he decided how much you would breathe. There was never any fear. 

You were safe. 

You laid there for a few minutes with Bucky gently playing in your hair. He then carried you off to a bath. He bathed you and him as your body still felt weak. He gently dried you off, slipped on one of his big shirts over you before putting you back in bed. He slid on a pair of shorts and got in next to you. He turned the lights off and pulled you in close to him. You couldn't find any words. You didn't need any.

Your eyes felt heavy. He faintly whispered something as you drifted off. 

The next morning you rose slowly. Your body had delicious aches from the night before. You turned to see Bucky still sleeping. The sheets hanging low on his hip with his hair in his face. You couldn't help but touch him. You traced the outline of his abs, slid your hand through the soft hair on his chest. Your fingers traced over where man met machine. He grinned before he opened his eyes. 

"Good morning, gorgeous," he groaned as he stretched. "Ready for round two already?" 

You smiled back at him. "I don't think I recovered from the first round," you replied. You both sat up. He kissed your forehead before he headed for the bathroom. You got out of bed stretching. The aches in your body reminding you of everywhere he touched you last night. He got out of the bathroom and searched for a shirt. 

"I don't know about you, but I am very hungry," He smiled. 

"Me too" you said walking toward the bathroom. Before you closed the door you caught the sight of you in the mirror. Your hair was a frizzy mess but that wasn't what made you gasp. 

"Oh my god, Bucky!" He walked in beside you. 

"What's wrong?" he asked almost laughing. Your mouth opened and closed as you pointed to the giant dark hickey on your neck. "It's huge," you replied. He leaned against the door post. 

"Got to let everyone know what's mine," He replied. You playfully hit him as you pushed him out the bathroom, closing the door. 

Losing Control (Bucky B. X reader X Loki) Where stories live. Discover now