It's Over

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"Focus," Sylvie whispered to them. In her left hand was Bucky's palm and Loki's was in her right hand. "Drown out the noise, call your magic to you." 

Loki took a deep breath as images raced through his head. Teleporting was easy but he had never searched for magic.

Where are you mistress? 

Your face flashed in his mind. 

"I can see her," he said. Her hair was disheveled, and she had blood coming from her lip. She screamed as a figure threw her against a wall. "He's hurting her," he said frantic. 

"Where is she?" Bucky's asked agitated. 

Loki tried to concentrate on what he could see. The room was poorly lit and there were a lot of shadows. Her screams echoed in his head. 


You groaned as your back hit the wall. Markus had already punched you twice and your left eye felt swollen.

"Go ahead Markus," you laughed. "Kill this body, destroy me. I will never be yours again." 

"You will always be mine," he said standing over you. He grabbed your arm pulling you up. "Always," he said scrapping the knife across your shoulder, drawing blood. You grabbed at your wound. 

You threw a punch connecting with his jaw. He stepped back. For a moment you felt your body tingle. Like when Loki shines the protection magic around you. You shook it off. You needed to get out of here.

The team had no idea where you were, and you needed to end this. You needed to kill Markus. Your body ached but you refused to stay down. Your knife was still tucked in his waistband. Bucky's voice echoed in your head.

Know your opponent. 

You pushed off the wall, rushing toward him. You knew he would go for your hair.

As he grabbed your hair and shoulder your other hand reached for the knife. He pushed you back but your grip held tight to the handle. You stood back as Markus looked at the knife in your hand and grinned. 

"What are you going to do with that?" he asked sarcastically. "Kill me?" 

You nodded. 

"You're not a killer (y/n)" he said. "You're just a used-up whore. My whore. And once you remember your place, I'm going to use that knife to carve my fucking name into your skin." 


Loki focused in on the room recognizing the pattern. "She's in the basement of her club!" 

"Go!" Steve yelled. Sylvie dropped their hands and Loki and Bucky teleported to the club. 


Markus rushed toward you. You swung your hand high bringing the knife down. He caught your arm midair. Holding it tight. "Nice try," he said. 

You dropped the knife into your other hand and quickly brought it up sticking it into his throat. He released your hand, grabbing at the knife sticking out of him. He made a gurgling sound and he started to walk backwards; his eyes wide. 

"What's wrong Markus?" you taunted. "Cat got your tongue?" You bent down picking up a metal rod from the floor. You flipped in your hand before you swung it on the side of his head. He collapsed to the floor. Still gurgling and shaking. 

You straddled him. Watching him realize that he was going to die.

"I'm going to be the last face you see before you die," you whispered to him. Beside you there was a block of cement. You picked it up, raising it high above his face. "I'm not your fucking angel!" 

You slammed it into his face. Watching his skin tear and bleed.

You collapsed next to him. The adrenaline coursing through you, started to ween and all you felt was pain. Your breathing felt shallow and weak. Your body heavy. It felt like your face was set on fire and all you tasted was blood. 

"Its over," you murmured. "Its over." 

Losing Control (Bucky B. X reader X Loki) Where stories live. Discover now