Good Girl

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Bucky held his hand out to you. "Shouldn't we clean up?" you say grabbing your shoes off the floor.

"I have it all taken care of," he replied pulling you in close, walking you around the corner Bucky shot you a smile as the elevator arrived and he slowly pulled you in wrapping his warm arms around your shoulders after pressing the button.

You rested your chin on his chest, looking up at him. Your eyes traced around his features, taking in the gorgeous sight. The crease lines in the corner of his magnificent blue eyes, the rich dark brown hair that draped across his forehead and the laugh lines around his lips, which you just couldn't seem to stop kissing. You brushed your nose against the five o'clock shadow on his chin.

He looked down at you, "Don't start it if you don't intend to finish it," he murmured looking up toward the camera. "I don't care if he's watching."

You started laughing placing your cheek against his chest, holding him tighter. A warmth crept over you, as you listened to the steady beat of his heart. You felt safe in his arms.

The doors opened and as you rounded the corner you heard a familiar sound from earlier.

"Wow, they're still at it," you said with a chuckle. Bucky laughed too and shook his head, opening the door and letting you pass.

"Well, I can't let that stand," he replied closing the door behind him. He leaned back, crossing his arms. You dropped your shoes and stared back, watching his usually bright eyes turn that stormy blue that let others know that they should probably run. Dangerous.

Suddenly, the air in the room felt heavy, an invisible weight on your shoulders. You swallowed as your mouth ran dry and your breathing slowed. He continued his stare, his silence unwavering and deliberate. The seconds felt like eons under his gaze, waiting. Waiting for him to speak. Waiting for him to command.

He pushed off the door, his hand reaching toward your face. A slow tremor followed as his fingertips grazed across your cheek. Still, he waited, watching the hesitation on your face.

He slid his finger softly down your neck, your body shivered as they passed over your bare shoulder, leaving a heated trail on your skin. He walked behind you and kissed the back of your shoulder and up your neck. Your eyes closed, as you took another shaky breath. Your body swayed more as his lips reached your ear.

"Hold very still," he whispered. You took another shaky breath, stilling yourself in his arms.

His warm hand wrapped around your waist and your eyes opened as you heard the sound of the knife. You watched the light in the room bounce off the blade. Shuddering at the sight of his fingers wrapped around the handle, moving it closer. He places the tip lightly against your lips, making them part. A stinging tingle trailed as he moved it down over your chin, tracing down your neck.

Losing Control (Bucky B. X reader X Loki) Where stories live. Discover now