🌼Match lists🌼 (Dexiana)

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A/N: This is set after UNLOCKED, except that the main gang is still in the lost cities, ignore what happened to Keefe. In this story, Dex and Biana aren't dating yet.

569 reads!!!!!!! 34 votes!!!!!!! That is a lot considering I was expecting like, 2. So thank you so much! This is now 210 in kotlc!!!! Now on to the story.

Dex walked through the streets of Atlantis. He had just been to the building that could alter his future, the one and only matchmakers. Dex had always thought he didn't care about the match lists, especially before he manifested. His parents hadn't cared, and Dex had always thought he would follow suit, even after he became a technopath. 

But that was before her. Biana Amberly Vacker, the girl Dex was crushing on hard. He had liked her for quite a while now, ever since he'd helped her recover from her issues after Atlantis. (When Vespara attacked.)

Dex had been building up the courage to tell her, before he remember something. She was a Vacker, a member of one of the most prestigious families in the elven world. Biana would have to marry someone on her first list.

That thought had stopped Dex in his tracks. He needed to be on that list. So here he was, match packet in hand, walking through the city. I just have to fill it in, then hope for the best, he thought. Little did he know that as he left the city, a certain girl was entering it.

Biana walked past buildings, heading towards the towering skyscraper with the golden M. Della walked beside her, trying to calm her daughter down. Biana was nervous. Very nervous.

I have to be on his list! Biana thought. She desperately wanted to be on Dex's list. She had liked the technopath since she had helped him get over Sophie. Biana had filled in her match packet, and was returning it.

"You can calm down." Della told her daughter. "The list isn't the be-all and end-all. Your Father and I don't care who you marry." "The rest of the family will! We're Vackers! I can't marry a bad match!" Biana said.

"So you like someone then." Della said. Biana flushed. "Maybe." Della laughed. "I knew it." The two arrived at the matchmakers. They went inside, Biana returned her packet, and was told her list could be collected from next week.

-timeskip to that night-

Dex put his pen down, exhausted. He had just finished filling out the match packet. As if this wasn't hard enough already, Rex, Bex and Lex haven't stopped teasing me since I came home, he thought. The triplets had seen the match packet, and had made the last few hours hell.

I guess I'll turn this in tomorrow, he thought, as he climbed into bed. He fell asleep quickly, despite the worry in his mind.

Dex awoke to a bucket of ice-cold water and laughter. 

"Why did you do that?!" Dex exclaimed, sitting up to see the triplets holding a bucket. "Leave your brother alone for 5 minutes." Kesler said from the doorway. The triplets pouted, but ran from the room. Kesler laughed and followed them.

Dex turned his eyes to the table. He could tell without looking that the triplets had already snooped. He sighed and got out of bed. He got dressed and went downstairs. He ate quickly, wanting to return his packet before the triplets teased him to death.

He leapt to Atlantis, returned his packet, and was informed he would need to wait a week before he could pick up his list. 

And so began the wait.

-two days later-

"You guys are acting weird." Sophie noted. Her, Fitz, Keefe, Tam and Linh were sitting in the foxfire cafeteria with Dex and Biana. "What? How?" Dex asked, apparently oblivious to the fact that both him and Biana had just been spacing out for 15 minutes.

"I know what's the matter with Biana!" Fitz said. "She went to the matchmakers a few days ago. She- Ow!" Fitz was cut off by Biana not-so-subtlety kicking him under the table. "You did?" Dex asked. Biana nodded, embarrassed.

"Why now though? We have ages to do it, so why... OMG do you like someone?" Keefe exclaimed. "Leave the her alone. I didn't tell anyone when you put into the match." Tam told his boyfriend. "Anyway, if that's what's up with Biana, what's up with Dex?" 

"Um... nothing?" Dex said, unconvincingly. Keefe cleared his throat. "Y'know I talk to your siblings, right?" Everyone turned to Keefe. "What does the have to do with anything?" Said Dex, sweating.

"The triplets told me that you applied for the match and filled out your packet." Keefe said. "Oh cool." Sophie said. Everyone turned back to their lunches, the mystery solved.

Everyone but Biana and Dex.

He applied for the match?! Biana thought. That's very good! She mentally partying. Dex was reacting similarly.

Then they remembered they had to get on each other's lists, and went right back to worrying and staring into oblivion. The rest for what group watched them, some fangirling over the ship, others not. (Or at least at pretending not to)

The lunch bell rang. Dex walked towards his next session, still fretting over the list. If I'm not her lost, I'll confess. If not, I guess... I'm not going to palm for that, he thought.

-three days later- 

Dex stared at the thick envelope on the table. The golden M was emblazoned on it. The list had been delivered that morning. He still hadn't worked up the courage to open it. Here goes, he thought, picking up the envelope.

He tore it open, hands shaking as he pulled out the piece of paper that would decide his future. Dex started at the bottom, working his way up through the names. Her name wasn't in the first 20, nor the first 50. Dex felt his stomach sunk when their were only 30 names left. Then 20. 10.

There was only one name left. Number 1. Dex squeezed hair eye shit, before slowly opening one eye. He nearly fell off his chair. He opened two eyes. It still said the same thing.

1. Biana Amberley Vacker

Dex gave a cheer of excitement. If she was number 1 for him, he would be on her first list. Hopefully. That didn't stop Dex's cheering. He ran downstairs, grabbing a coat (cape?) as he went. He ran to the leap master, and leapt to Everglen.

Little did he know that the girl he wanted to talk to already knew the news. Biana had leapt to Rimshire as soon as she saw that Dex was number 3 on her list. (Wgaf about the first two) she had raced down the path only to stop short below Dex's window.

She had heard him cry out her name, which had startled her, then heard him give a whoop of delight. Unable to contain her curiosity, once she heard Dex run from the room, she scaled the wall (that battle training paid off) and peeked through the window. 

She saw his list. And her name. Biana was shocked. She gasped, her grip on the window slacking. She screamed, plummeting down the side of the building. Luckily, she fell into a bush. Unluckily, it was a rose bush. 

Dex sighed and raised his home crystal. Biana apparently wasn't home. He's have to tell her tomorrow. He leapt home, feeling annoyed.

Dex trudged up the path, only to hear a scream, then a thud. He ran towards the noise, only to find Biana. Underneath his window. It a rose bush. Dex gaped at the randomness of the scene. Then, he ran to help her.

What will become of these star crossed yet awkward lovers? Idk because I can't be bothered with a part 2! Dex and Biana told their kids this story though, their kids always found it hilarious that their Mum had done that. The story became a family favourite, much to Dex and Biana's embarrassment.

Yeah so no part two! Sorry! But I might do match list stories for the other ships. 

See you next one shot!


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