🌼Headcannons🌼(Marella x Maruca)

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A/N: 1.1k!!!!! OMG!!!!! Okay so, as promised, this one is about a couple that's already dating bc all of these seemed to be confessions. 

It's not really a story though.... Sorry! I didn't know what to write, btw I'm still doing requests, so Imma write headcannons/stories that are too short for a whole chapter.

Human Heater

Maruca sat outside a bookstore in Atlantis. She was waiting for Marella, and she was running out of patience. Why?

Atlantis is under the sea, and it was the middle of winter. Sure, it looked beautiful to catch flumes of the frozen surface, far above, but it gets to way below zero.

Plus, Maruca had left her gloves at home. 

The psunipath blew on her fingers to warm them up, to no extent. Where is Marella? She thought impatiently. She glanced at the large clock tower (ik there isn't one but bear with me) and sighed. Marella and said she'd only be a few minutes in the clothes store across the street.

Maruca blew on her hands again, rubbing them together. Of all the days to forget my gloves! She thought. The psunipath returned to staring at the shop window.

Just as she was about to go inside and waiting in a place with heating, Marella walked out, a bag in on hand.

"Sorry I took so long! There was a line." Marella explained. She saw how cold Maruca was.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Did you forget your gloves?" Marella asked. Maruca nodded.

"Here, I'll make it up to you!" Marella grabbed her girlfriend's hands in her own. Because she's a pyrokinetic, she radiates warmth.

A/N: I made that up, but it pretend it's legit

"Are your hands better now?" Marella asked. Maruca nodded. 

"How do you do that without torching my hands?" Maruca asked. 

"Magic. But actually, I have no idea." Was the reply.

Marella leaned over and gave her girlfriend a quick kiss.

"What?" Said Marella, seeing the surprise on Maruca's face. "Now your lips are warmed up!" She grinned.

Maruca laughed, and the two walked down the street.

A/N: I honestly love this ship, but I can't write about it much because there's no cannons dive me for it. Or rather, not enough so that I can weave in the actual plot. Anyway, here's the next one.

Rainy day

Marella stared out the window, a look of annoyance mixed with mild terror on her face. As long as she could remember, she'd hated the rain. Now that she'd manifested, it made a lot more sense. Water was fired natural enemy. (She doesn't hold it against Linh though)

Simply saying rain was putting it mildly, Marella thought. You'd be drenched to the skin ina scones if you went into the wetlands that have become the-

Her inner monologue was interrupted by Maruca.

"Are you exaggerating the rain again?" She asked. Maruca was correct, it was lightly raining. Try telling that to Marella.

"I am not! It's practically, I don't know, raining rivers or something!" She said. (Untrue)

"Raining rivers?" Maruca asked, a smile playing on her lips.

"Whatever, you get my point." The shorter girl responded. Maruca laughed.

"Are you gonna sit here over-exaggerating the rain, or do you want to drink some cinnacream and watch human movies Dex lent me?"  Maruca questioned.

"Obviously the second option. And I was not exaggerating!" Marella exclaimed as she followed the other girl into  the large living room.

So that's what they did.

Headcannon time bc I'm all out of stories!

This so sorta linked to the story, Marella hates getting wet, but umbrellas don't really exist in the lost cities. So Maruca has learnt to make a force field above the two of them to act as an umbrella.

Marella and Maruca met when Sophie and the gang went to join the black swan. Maruca noticed the normally very social girl sitting alone in a corner, and ate lunch next to her. They talked, and the rest was history.

At first Maruca didn't trust Marella that much, because of the other girls reputation for gossip. But she learned that Marella, while still being a massive gossip, still respects when someone wants something kept private.

Because of this, Maruca was nervous when she came out as lesbian to Marella. She was shocked when she learned the other girl was to. "Wow, we have so much in common!" Marella had exclaimed.

Marella cannot cook/bake  to save herself when she's alone. She gets distracted by the flames from the stove and stuff like that. However, when Maruca helps out, she's on par with professional chefs.

A/N: Sorry, this was still pretty short. The next one will be longer, I promise! By for now!

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