~ Sorries Aren't Always Enough! ~ 5

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Heyyy Everyone!!! I know everyone is disheartened due to IPZN ending but please don't forget to participate in trends, help maintain the hype, mail/call/spam for season 2, and spread the word! Maybe if we all put in enough efforts Sony TV'll renew the show for a second season! 💕

Apologies for the delay, here's part 5, hope ya'll enjoy reading! Do lmk how you guys liked it :) 💜


Ahaan spent all night searching for the guy who wrecked his home, he gathered different documents, cctv footage and used his contacts to get the address of that man. A friend of his who worked at the bank lent him the guy, whose name was Rahul-'s bank records from two years back. 

Now, Ahaan had all the items that would lead him to the truth laying in front of him, he just had to go through them, whether it be proof of Ishqi's truth or of his accusation, he had to find out whatever it was. 

First he went through different documents which confirmed that Rahul was Ishqi's colleague and that they were working on an important project together. Then he put the papers aside and inserted the small, red pen drive into his laptop. 

A video instantly loaded, it was cctv footage of the hotel corridor where Ahaan had caught them. He took a deep breath and played the video, his expression changed from anger and irritation to shock and astonishment. The video was NOT what he'd assumed and seen that day. 

He saw Ishqi holding a couple of files and a laptop, looking ready for a meeting- following behind Rahul, who did not at all look ready for any professional matter. He saw them enter the room and then a minute later he saw Ishqi leaving but Rahul going behind her and them re-entering, a person, with their face hidden, spraying some sort of gas into the room and locking the door from the outside. 

He fast forwarded it to 20 minutes later and saw himself in the footage, followed by Kartik and Dadi. He facepalmed himself in shock,"Ishqi was right!"  was his first thought, followed by instant regret. But he composed himself, he had to find out why it all happened. 

Ahaan set his laptop aside and impatiently waited till sunrise, he had gotten Rahul's address and couldn't wait to confront him- but as the hours on the clock ticked his guilt and regret over his past actions only grew. The moments he'd distrusted Ishqi played like a tape in his head, he wanted to call her but didn't have her number or currently, the courage. 


Just as the sun rose lighting the sky, Ahaan, who had been drowning in guilt and regret composed himself and wiped the tears that had managed to escape his eyes. He couldn't breakdown now, not before he'd gotten those who deserved punishment, punished!

He quietly tip-toed out of the house, sat in his car and drove towards Rahul's house, which wasn't too far from his. His guilt and anger kept rising thinking of the words he used for Ishqi, those she never deserved to hear. The cctv footage and Rahul's bank details had made it very clear what the actual truth was but Ahaan couldn't just let someone who wrecked havoc in his world live in peace. 

As Ahaan reached the destination, he parked his car on the side of the road and marched towards the main door of the house. He rang the doorbell and around two minutes later was greeted by a lady, "Hi, Is Rahul home?" Ahaan asked politely. 

The lady nodded, "Yes! I'm his wife, Shreya" she opened the door a little wide for him and moved aside, Ahaan walked inside the house, "Please take a seat, I'll just go call him" she said and went up the stairs leaving Ahaan alone in the lounge. 

A few minutes later Rahul descended from the stairs while Ahaan stood up and folded his arms to his chest. "Hi Rahul" Ahaan said while gritting his teeth, "H-" Rahul was about to say something but when he saw Ahaan, he immediately recognized him,"oh shit!" he mumbled under his breath. 

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