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Madison Argent stood in the front of Oak Creek, her leather boots booming against the pavement. The cold November air breezed through her auburn hair as it flowed down her back, patterned against the black leather jacket she wore.

Her hand twitched with blue magic, sparks flying as she struggled to keep her powers in check. The young witch was currently incapable of containing her powers, especially in times when she felt anxious or scared.

The feeling was gone as quickly as it arose, once her hand had been laced with the hand of Allison Argent. The brunette's red polished nails squeezed her sister's, a movement she had done many times in the past to ease both of their nerves.

Madison squeezed back just as tight, the sister's eyes meeting as they nodded.

Around them stood the figures of Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, and Kira Yukimura. The group was solemn, anxiety plaguing each teenager.

"We've done this before, guys. A couple of weeks ago, we were standing around, just like this, and we saved Malia. Remember?" Scott's attention turned to Allison, who nodded in confirmation.

"That was a total stranger— this is Lydia." Scott said in an attempt to encourage his pack to stay optimistic and determined.

"I'm here to save my best friend." Allison spoke proudly, glancing down at her younger sister.

"I came to save mine." Scott agreed, looking at Stiles with a slight smile.

"...I just didn't feel like doing any homework." Isaac admitted truthfully, making Madison kick his leg as he ruined the moment.

He merely smirked in response, shaking his head and turning to enter the gates. The group followed, and Madison couldn't stop the heavy feeling in her heart that something terrible was about to go down.


Upon entering, Madison came face to face with Noshiko Yukimura. She frowned in response as Madison looked at the Oni's worriedly.

"Kira, turn around and go home. Take your friends with you."

"I can't. When I looked at the game, I realized who I was actually playing-- you."

Madison gulped, looking at Allison who squeezed her hand in an uplifting movement. Her hand dropped Madison's after a moment, as she lifted her bow to Noshiko.

"Call them off." She warned.

"You think you could take him alive? You think you can save him?" She taunted.

𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now