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Madison didn't have time to be sad about Derek leaving again. She knew he would come back, he never broke a promise.

Instead, Madison tried to make herself useful. The universe seemed to agree, as no less than two moments passed when she received a call from Stiles, asking her to meet him and a few others outside to hunt down the Beast.

Madison raised her eyebrows in surprise, slightly scared at the chance of seeing the terrifying beast. She quickly looked around the room to throw over her tank top, deciding to throw on Liam's sweatshirt as she was out the door in less than five minutes. Her boots clicked against the damp pavement as she swung open the Jeep's door and pecked Liam's cheek.

The beta glanced down at Madison's sweatshirt, a dopey and gentle grin wiping across his cheeks as Madison blushed under his gaze.

However, she remembered the reason they were there tonight, as she watched Scott check his phone and spoke, "he's headed to the school."

"Why's Parrish going to the school?" Asked Liam.

"It's not Parrish. At least not right now."

"Okay, why's the Hellhound going to the school?"

"Because he's got a yearning for higher education," Stiles deadpanned, "Liam, Hellhound's at the school, so, we're going to the school. Okay?"

Madison held Liam back as the Jeep suddenly sped, the motion faster as Madison sighed and looked out the window.

This was going to be a very long night.

The Jeep arrived to the school, Madison coming out from the door to the driver's seat. Liam followed close behind, ignoring Madison's finger over her lip to signify staying quiet as he slammed the Jeep door closed.

The car door slammed with a thud, all heads turning towards him as the beta's eyes widened.


Madison laced her hand with Liam's as the two followed behind the seniors who were walking down a path.

The werewitch suddenly caught her father's scent, an annoyed huff escaping out of her mouth as she leaned her head against Liam's shoulder.

She glared daggers towards her father, frustrating with his recent disregard for her feelings. She didn't understand why he still hid so many secrets from her, and in times like this it made no sense in keeping things from one another.

"Where's Parrish?" Scott asked suddenly in an attempt to diffuse the tension that was slowly rising.

Madison watched as her father sighed.

"I lost him. He's moving too fast." He replied, discontent crossing over the teenager's features at this. Madison turned towards Liam, watching as his eyes were wide and staring at something—or rather someone, a few feet away.

𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now