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Madison had spent some time debating the new list with Liam and Scott, reassuring the beta that he would be fine enough to go to class for the rest of the day, even after he continually asked to skip with her and go to Stiles' house.

He agreed with a huff, but not before Madison planted a kiss on his hand and abetted a goodbye. She was currently walking to Stiles' house, her hands violently gripping the handle on her backpack. Her heels clacked against the pavement, her shoulder brushing against bushes as she took a shortcut through the woods.

Madison kept her guard up, her ears and eyes peeled for any suspicious activity. She knew realistically the worst she would come across was Peter Hale, but it's not like he would try to kill her or anything. After a few moments, Madison grew bored, and her mind floated to a better topic. Liam Dunbar.

She felt herself tense at the thought of him, her lips twitching upwards as she bit back a foolish smile. She wondered what Liam was doing at that moment, most likely in history class. She chuckled to herself as she pictured Liam; his eyes narrowed in concentration as he held his bottom lip between his teeth as he read page after page in his textbook.

She imagined his fingers drumming against the desk, his hand occasionally going to rub at his neck, a habit of his that Madison picked up on when they became friends.

She wondered to herself about her strong attachment to Liam, why she wanted to be around him all the time, and why she always wanted to hold his hand when she'd otherwise snap at anyone else who attempted to. Madison wondered why her heart raced when she saw him walk into a room, her eyes unable to move from his as he sent her a grin and placed his things on the desk next to hers.

She wondered why she'd anxiously check the clock when he was late to a pack meeting or why her head felt like it was going to explode when she couldn't find him after lacrosse practice.

She felt confused why she was so adamant about following him around all the time, not letting him out of her sight since Garett kidnapped them both. Her heart lurched, and her stomach dropped to her feet at the mere thought of losing him, and Madison stopped dead in her tracks.

Her mind hadn't felt this way about someone since Erica Reyes, Madison's 13-year-old self who felt like she was going to pass out whenever the blonde beta looked her way. She remembered her cheeks flaming red when she heard Erica's laugh, the way she sobbed for hours into Allison's arms when she died.

Oh no. Her hands tingled at her sides, her feet wanting to run as far away from Beacon Hills as possible. Her mind raced for any other possible explanation, not wanting to accept the obvious.

Madison Argent had fallen for Liam Dunbar. She had fallen hard.

There was no way. There was no possible way on Earth that Madison Argent, the witch with a stone-cold heart, had fallen for Liam Dunbar. The naive, adorable, yellow-eyed beta with anger issues. It just wasn't possible.

𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now