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After Madison and the pack had watched the Beast and the Hellhound disappear into the night, she felt her knees grow weak. Her vision was blurry and her head was spinning, it was like all the exhaustion and stress of her day had finally caught up to her.

Liam was quick to steady her as Christopher exchanged a worried glance with Scott, as the alpha had gone to talk with him and Gerard.

"She's getting worse, Argent. She's running out of time." Scott said worriedly, glancing back at the werewitch who was leaning against Liam's chest.

"I know. Her power is supposed to be stronger than the beast, but she's too weak. He's taking her power through her vulnerability, and the stronger the beast gets the weaker she'll be, which gives her werewolf side a stronger chance at taking over. There's not much we can do besides keep her away from the Beast, or else..." the man suddenly trailed off looking down at the ground.

"Or else what?" Scott asked, though Chris refused to finish his sentence.

"If we kill the beast before Madison is able to get ahold of her powers, she'll die too." Gerard said, and Scott didn't miss how Chris flinched at his words.

"She...she'll pull through," Chris mumbled, running an erratic hand through his hand, "Madi has to pull through, God—I can't..." Chris began to stammer over his words, and Scott winced at his reaction.

"It's Madi," Scott said, placing a hand on the man's shoulder, "she'll pull through. She's strong."

"She's only fifteen, Scott. She's gone through so much, I wouldn't forgive myself if she doesn't get through this. Gerard and I, we know how to kill it. But if the beast dies before Madison can overcome her powers, she'll go right with the beast."

"Is there a way to speed up the process?" Scott asked, as Christopher hesitated.

"Well...yes. She has to see something. Something that'll trigger panic, trauma, any emotion to bring out vulnerability for her wolf side to creep in. That way it'll grow closer, there's more of a chance for Madison to fight."

Before Scott could say something again, he could hear the frantic shouts coming from Liam and Madison's direction.

He turned around to see the two holding a Dread Doctor, as he looked towards Christopher and took off running.


Scott gathered Isaac and the two freshman as they piled into Isaac's car, on their way to Deaton's office to try and find out more about the Dread Doctor, whom was stuffed in the trunk.

Isaac must have broken at least 20 traffic rules as they dashed down the road, and Madison felt her vision grow blurry as she did her best to stay alert. The only thing keeping her grounded was Liam's hand, firmly grasping hers. It was a reminder that she was real, she was there, and for the moment; she was okay.

𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now