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Madison stood still for a moment. She couldn't tell whether or not to accept help from Theo, but without any knowledge from the events that had taken place during the night, he had given her no reason not to trust him.

Slowly, her hand clasped against Theo's, Madison letting out a small grunt as she stood shakily to her feet. She could hear Theo's heartbeat, slow and steady unlike her own.

Madison had many questions.

"What am I doing here? How did you find me?" Asked Madison, nodding to herself as she decided these were the most important questions swirling around in her mind.

"The Nemeton. That's where the bodies are going. You were one of them." Theo replied, swallowing.

Madison grimaced to herself, hearing the saliva in Theo's throat as she looked away.

"How am I alive?" She questioned again.

"The transformation was completed. If you haven't started feeling anything yet, you will soon." He explained, and Madison raised an eyebrow.

"The transformation...meaning I'm what? A werewolf?"

"A werewitch. Stand over there, in the moonlight," Theo instructed, pointing to a patch of grass where the moon was shining upon, "you'll see the transformation."

"Why are you helping me?" Madison probed. Theo shrugged.

"I see potential. I can help you, more than you know. I can help you reach your full potential, I can teach you how to control your werewolf urges and use your new power for...good."

"I thought you didn't know anything about the supernatural, much less about werewitches." Madison argued, eyeing Theo suspiciously.

"Oh, Madison. Tonight has revealed something for us all, hasn't it? Just trust me and walk towards the moonlight."

Madison nodded slowly. She reached into her pocket, suddenly grateful that she carried a mini mirror with her at all times. Her legs carried her over to the small area of dirt, feeling the moonlight bounce against her skin.

Slowly, Madison felt a heat in her fingers, though it wasn't as if magic laid at the tips, but instead blocky sharp claws. She always hated the way werewolf claws looked, and now she had a pair of her own.

"Wow...can I paint them?" Madison asked to Theo, the senior looking at her oddly, not responding. Madison shrugged.

It was a struggle to get the compact mirror open, and Madison almost dropped it out of shock at her reflection.

Her eyes were a bright golden-yellow. Shining and flashy, similar to the eyes of Isaac, Liam, and Theo.

Madison shut her eyes, tight. She was hoping that this was all some kind of messed up joke, and when she opened her eyes she would be in her bed next to Liam. But she wasn't.

𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now