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"Hey, Liam. Liam, wait!" Madison called out as she exited the locker room. She saw Liam speed walking down the hall, not even bothering to turn his head.

She could only assume he was angry with her, but she didn't blame him. She would've been upset too if a potential new friend asked him out to a party, only to find out it was for a plan.

Liam went to his locker, and Madison saw this as the perfect chance. She slammed his locker shut a bit too harshly as she looked at him. He blinked right back at her, before turning around to walk away. Before he could get the chance, Madison created sparks with her hands that set a temporary wall up, letting her get a word in.

"Um, hi Liam. I just wanted to apologize. I know you're probably mad at me and we didn't exactly get off on the right foot—you know?" Madison said, remembering how she had partially helped kidnap Liam, then tricking him into going to the lake house. Liam only nodded as he encouraged her to continue.

"I hope you'll believe me when I say that I really do want to be friends. I know this apology sucks, but I don't apologize very often, so..." Madison trailed off, looking at the floor, feeling nervous as she shifted around in her spot. Her hand rubbed the back of her neck as she pursed her lips.

She watched as Liam furrowed his brows and licked his lips to prepare for a reply. She could feel her heart beating rising, afraid he would reject her proposal to be friends. With her luck, he would.

"No, Madison. I'm not mad, I get it. If I were in your position I would've done the same thing. You were just doing what you thought was the right thing. I want to be friends too. Hopefully we could start over?" Liam asked, chuckling gently as a blush crept upon his face. Madison smiled, and she'd be lying if she said butterflies didn't settle in the pit of her stomach.

"Yeah, let's start over. No more awkward staring contests." She joked, feeling her cheeks heat up as she hoped her face wasn't pink.

"Definitely. You coming to history?" He asked, Madison thinking about it for a moment as she shook her head.

"Don't think so. I have to find Lydia, but I'll see you later." She told him with a grin, turning around as she walked up the stairs to find her junior friends. She felt giddy inside, walking up the stairs with a hop in her step. She thought Liam would have left to class by now, but instead he was watching her with butterflies of his own.

After walking the halls for a few minutes, Madison came to a stop when she reached the art room. She peered inside, seeing the werecoyote and banshee sitting side by side.

She quickly walked in, Malia's head turning towards the sound. She grinned and waved wildly when she saw that it was her freshman friend, Madison waving with the same excitement as she took a seat next to Lydia.

"Where's Isaac?" Madison asked, placing her bag on a table stool and walking towards Lydia.

"In class." She responded curtly.

𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now