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Madison groaned as she stood at the top of the school stairs. Her hands were fiddling with her bracelets nervously as she looked down to the floor. After agreeing to invite Liam to the party, Lydia was currently fluffing her hair to make sure she looked extra attractive. Malia stood next to Lydia, a bored expression upon her face.

"Hm. Black and red are good colors on you, Madi." Lydia said, her voice had muffled as she held a bobby pin in her mouth.

Madison smiled widely in response, after being previously scolded by Lydia for talking and messing up her lipgloss.

Scott and Stiles were attempting to blend into the hallway, ditching their class to make sure the plan went accordingly. Madison was grateful she had a free period and wasn't being irresponsible.

The bell suddenly rang as Madison flinched in surprise. Malia gave an encouraging grin as she pushed Madison semi-gently down the stairs.

"You got this. Use your special little Argent charm that draws all the boys in." Lydia encouraged with a wink.

Madison rolled her eyes as she looked at Stiles and Scott who were now hiding behind a locker. She didn't understand why she was the one to do this, it would most likely be so awkward she wouldn't be able to get a word in.

Her feet began to move, as she suddenly grew aware of the dull ache in her heel, though she pushed herself forward to walk down the small amount of stairs. Her feet wobbled as she suddenly regretted wearing heels that day.

Her curled hair was flowing down her back as she watched Liam and a friend of his exit their classroom. Their eyes quickly locked as Madison smirked confidently. Liam's lips parted slightly, a shocked look striking his eyes.

As the young witch began to practice what she was going to say, her hands grew sweaty and her throat suddenly felt dry. Nearly on cue, Madison's foot slipped, sending her flying.

Madison caught herself with her hands, her body growing red hot with embarrassment. The plan was ruined, she thought to herself as she felt a tap on her shoulder, causing her to look up.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked, his bright blue eyes locking into her own. He was bent down slightly, a hand extended to help Madison up.

She looked up at him, gratefully taking his hand as the two stood up. She dusted off her dress, her hand going towards her hair as she twirled it between her fingers.

"Who, me? Yeah, I'm fine. Um, do you want to go to a party tonight?" She asked, her voice cracking mid sentence as Liam chuckled.

Her stared at her for a moment, blinking as a smile grew on his face as he nodded.


"Hey, Liam. I'll text you later!" She called over her shoulder as she continued down the hallway, glancing to Scott who sent a relieved look her way.

𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now