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Madison's legs didn't stop until she reached the Sheriff station. Her muscles felt raw, the back of her neck covered in sweat as her hair frizzed. The witch stood in front of the sheriff's station, anxiety flooding through her in waves to what awaited inside.

She could hear panting upon walking inside the station, along with numerous paralyzed bodies laying on the dirty tile. She scrunched her face up in pity for the deputies, frantically continuing her search for Isaac and Lydia.

Madison ran from room to room, following the sound of agonized gasps. She walked inside to find Isaac and Kira applying pressure to her wound, while Lydia was heavily breathing.

Madison locked eyes with Lydia, tears streaming down the banshee's face as sweat trickled down her forehead. Madison's gaze flickered down towards Lydia's spleen, which was spilling blood at a deathly rate.

"Lydia?" Madison called, voice hoarse as she tried to fight back the tears in her eyes.

"I'm okay, Madi. I'm okay." Lydia breathed out, eyes scrunching up in pain as she desperately clutched the wound.

"What the hell happened?" The witch was able to choke out.

"Tracy. She's a Kanima—sliced Lydia with her tail." Isaac explained. The beta took in a breath of air, the scent of fear and anger hitting his nose.

"Oh, I'm gonna kill that scaly bitch." Madison seethed. The witch turned away, about to depart from her friends until the wounded called out for her.

"Madi, she's dangerous. Please just... stay here," Lydia pleaded. Madison saw the begging in her eyes, the witch nodding and sitting on her knees as the banshee held her hand.

"I can't take your pain. I'm so sorry." Madison tried, frustration filling her veins instead of Lydia's pain. She knew logically that witches couldn't take pain, but she wanted to at least try.

"It's okay. Isaac took some of it already, but I can't have both of us in agonizing pain." The strawberry blonde joked, her chuckle cutting off with a wince.

Madison felt her helpless, all she could do was nod and hope better help was on the way. Madison traced her nails over Lydia's knuckles in hopes of soothing her. She suddenly felt a waft of fear and guilt hit her, watching the strawberry blonde blink.

Lydia's physical pain hadn't gone away, but the emotions that came with the injury disappeared in an instant.

Liam hadn't even crossed Madison's mind yet, the witch not realizing how much she worried her boyfriend when the witch took off running into the woods. But she'd worry about that later.

𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now