Ch-1 Memories

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Note : Spider man no way home never happened.


"Peter! Peter! Where are you ? " Morgan stark ( tony's daughter)
said worried.

"What happened morg ? Why are you screaming ?" asked Peter Parker ( aka spiderman).

"I accidentally spilled water over your web-shooters and now some jelly like stuff is coming out of it."
She replied.

"Shit! Morgan how many times should I have to tell you to stay away from my stuff, especially my web-shooters and suits , anyway where are they ? " He asked clearly annoyed.

"In your lab and please don't tell mum anything, she will not let me me enter your lab ever again." She said.

"Ok fine, but please help me to clean that mess or else I will tell your mom everything." Peter said smiling.

She agreed and they went to the lab and cleaned everything. After that peter began to fix his web-shooters and morgan watched him while eating cheeseburger.

He reminded her of her dad, tony also used to stay in his garage or lab for hours, working on his suit or making something else. Tears filled her eyes, it has been two years since her father passed away and she missed him badly.
Peter was like tony's younger version because his craze for science was just like tony.
But still she really missed his father. She remembered when her mother told her that tony died she was very confused, she didn't even knew what is death but after the funeral she understood a little that he was never going to come back.

"Morg ? " Peter said after noticing that she was crying.

"Yeah?" Morgan said while wiping
her tears, She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even noticed that she was crying.

"What happened ? Are you crying because you ruined my web-shooters ? I'm not angry on you for this, you didn't did this on
purpose right? Plus my web shooters are absolutely fine so you
don't need to worry sweetie." Peter said with his cute smile.

(Note: how can someone be so cute 🥰,)

"Yeah! Ok " she said and went to sleep.

After finishing his work he also went to sleep.😴😴😪

Ok I know this was a really short story but I will upload the next part really soon ☺️☺️☺️
The reason i'm writing this book is because I love this duo.
I have seen and read many fanfics and fan art about them so I really began to think that they are really in the mcu together. I hope marvel
will show peter and morgan cute relationship in the their future movies. 💖💖💖

P.S I know that you guys will skip reading this note 😔but anyway I wrote it .
Bye ☺️🙃

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