Ch- 15 At the Hospital again.

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(The flashback ends here)

"Mrs Stark are you listening to me ?" Happy said when he noticed Pepper was lost in her own world. His voice caused Pepper to come out of her flashback.

"Wh-What ?" Pepper said "Oh, that, I'm listening. You were talking about that new biscuit product Stark industries is launching." Pepper looked at happy hoping thats what he was talking about.
"Yes, I thought you weren't listening cause you didn't responded when I asked if you liked it." Happy explained and Pepper responded with -" I don't know if its good or not, I haven't tried it yet." Pepper said looking out of the window.

"I do tried it, It kinda tastes like oreos, but with a different cream." Happy said as he speeded up the car a little bit as he noticed that they are almost home.
"I will ask Margret to give you some, I'm sure Morgan would love them." They reached home and Happy carried Morgan to her bedroom. Pepper and Happy said their goodnight to each other and Happy drove off to his Apartment. Pepper went to take some sleep. Before sleeping she looked at a photo she took when Peter and Morgan were talking about the butterflies.

2 days after
Morgan's pov
I munched on some biscuits Happy bought for me, they were nice except the cream. So I preferred to remove he cream before eating it. I looked at Happy who was making something for me in the kitchen as mummy was gone to visit Pete in the hospital. Happy was chopping the vegetables in such speed that I was worried that he might chop his fingers off. And if he did then I will not stand to see his fingers floating in my soup. I gulped and went to watch some T.V. to divert my overthinking mind from this scene. I sat on my couch thinking what should I watch ? I thought that maybe I maybe I should watch news cause I wanna be more matured. So I turned on the T.V. and tried to watch the news.

Anchor: So next week we will be celebrating the death Aniversary of Tony Stark, a person who died to save the Universe.

My eyes widen as the lady on the news mentioned my father. I knew he was famous, but didn't knew that he is so famous that even people on the news channels knew him.

Anchor: We all will always be grateful to him as he is the reason we all are alive. And thats why he deserves to have the greatest death Aniversary of all time. So the government has decided to do something special for his deathday.
His death day will be known as the International Sacrifice day.

I screamed with joy as I was really happy, causing Happy to almost drop his Tomato soup on the floor. Wow, My dad has got an International day. I knew he deserved it, actually he deserves even more after what he had done. He is the best.

(A/n: 😖😥😰😭🤧)

"Stop screaming like that young lady !" Happy shouted from the kitchen as he cleaned a few drops of tomato soup which fell on the floor.

"Sorry." I said, I was willing to tell Mom about this. She will be so happy.

"Morgan !" Happy said. " Come here and eat your lunch." "Coming." I replied. I washed My hands and ran to the kitchen.
I sat on my chair and saw happy cleaning up the mess. I looked at the drops of the soup on the floor, Red, Red drops which resembled to blood. I recalled the incident that happened two days ago when Pete hurted himself. To be honest, after that incident if I saw any red substance lying on the floor, It will remind me of blood even if I know its not. I wondered how Peter was, Mummy didn't allowed me to go to the hospital after I entered the operation room and got scared. I just finished my soup and just finished my soup and went to my tent to play but my mind was only thinking about Peter. Is he fine ? Is he in pain ?

            Third person pov
"Honey ? Honey ?" Pep cried as she came out of her black Mercedes. " Here you are." Morgan looked at her mom thinking about whether she should ask her about Peter or not.

" Where is Happy ?" Pepper asked, it seemed like she was in a hurry. " In the kitchen." Morgan replied.

"Ok, Did you had your lunch ?"

"Yup, And it was the best lunch ever." Morgan said with a smile.

"Wow, seems like you enjoyed the company of Happy." Pepper said.
"Yeah but not that much." Morgan said remembering the way he was chopping Tomatoes.

"Ok, change your clothes quickly we are going to the hospital." Pepper entered the house and Morgan ran after her. " To see Peter ?" " Yes sweetie." Pepper responded as she removed her long earrings and replaced them with smaller ones. Morgan jumped with happiness and ran to her room but immediately returned to hug her mom.

"Aww.., Anyway, go and change." Said Pepper and Morgan went to the room to change. She came back wearing a blue frock and a white hairband.

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