Ch-13 I'm not going to babysit 😒

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After meeting each other the Parkers and Starks became friends. Although they didn't met each other much but sometimes May and Pepper talked on phone. And sometimes they would invite each other for any special occasion. Well they were not too close but not out of touch too. And Morgan and Peter, they rarely even see each other and when they did, they just smiled at each other. But everything changed when Pepper hired Peter as a babysitter for Morgan. One day Peter was just texting his friend and this happened.

Are you serious Peter ? You're Spiderman and you do this
kind of weird shit.
     No Ned ! I didn't do anything.
     I was just talking to karen and
     My teacher came there all of
     the sudden. So he thought that I
     was talking to myself and now
     I'm forced to go to therapy
     sessions. 😑

Oh dude, thats so messed up. Umm.. Sorry my mama is
calling so we can talk about it
next time.

                                  Finee, Bye Dude.

Bye spooderman.

Peter laughed at this and kept his phone for charging. Then May came in the room.

"Peter, do you know how to handle kids and all ?"

"Umm... Maybe I can look after a kid who is less than 10 years old. But why ?" Peter said.

"Thats nice, so listen carefully. I am sending you to live with someone who will look after you when I will be gone to India."

"Wait you're going where ?"

"India, you know there is this old friend of Ben who lives there. And recently she is organising a program for poor people, where you can donate money or any other useful things for them. And obviously she can't do it all alone so she asked for my help for things like looking after the donation box. So I have to go there." May explained.

"Ok, when is your flight ?"

"After two days. And I'm sending you somewhere and you will live there for 2 months. Plus they need someone to look after their Girl. So you're gonna look after her." May replied and started packing clothes. 

"Noooo, May please, I'm grown up, I can live here without you too. I don't want to look after kids." Peter said annoyed, if he went to somewhere else apart from his apartment then spidermanning will be impossible for him.

"If you're old enough to stay alone then you should be mature enough to look after a 6 year old." May told him smirking. It is impossible for him to win an argument with her.

"Mayyy ! Please No, you know I-"

"You know I told them that you're going to stay there and they have even prepared a room for you. If you will go there then I will cancel your therapy sessions." This made Peter happy, he didn't wanted to attend therapy sessions when there was nothing wrong with him.

"Fine May, just cancel it and I will do anything for you." Peter replied " By the way where am I going ?

"You're gonna live with Pepper Stark and Morgan." May answered.

"What ?!"

And thats how he got to know that he was gonna babysit his mentor's Daughter.
A/n: Woah, May shocked him. Don't worry Pete, Morgan is nice. She eats her food without any tantrums.
Anyway, I changed my username to Blue_Ixora. I think my previous name was trash so it was the right move to change it. So thats it guys, Bye Bye. Will Meet you all again in the next chapter. So once again, bye bye.
Love y'all ❤️❤️💙

Till then enjoy these memes -

Wow, didn't noticed it in the film

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Wow, didn't noticed it in the film. But its an amazing detail.
And funny too.

I love it

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