Ch-16 On the way

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Morgan and Pepper were in their car now, going to the hospital. Morgan was excited to meet Peter hoping that he was alright, or atleast better than the last time she saw him. She was carrying a cute Get well soon card in her hands, with a drawing of them holding hands. Clutching that card in her arms, she looked quite proud of how it came out. Happy was driving the car as always.
It was really quiet in the car, everyone had alot on their minds. To break the suffocating silence, Happy played a song in the car. 'Back in black'
It was Morgan's one of the favorite songs. She was clearly happy as she giggled, swinging her legs, which was her way of vibing to a song she likes. And why wouldn't she, it was Tony's favourite song which pretty much explained everything. Morgan simply loved every thing which reminded her of her father. This day was so special for her, she was going to meet Peter and her father's death anniversary was declared as international sacrifice day. Maybe her teacher, Ms Garcia, was right about why Emma and Rachel bully her, they were simply jealous of her father being an amazing man who was loved by everyone.
So because Morgan was Tony's daughter, she was getting all the attention causing them to develop a disliking for her. But who cared about them, it was Peter who was on her mind. Everyone was concerned if Morgan would like Peter as her babysitter because she never wanted a babysitter.
But to Everyone's surprise Morgan wanted to be around him every movement, almost clinging to him but Peter never minded it.
What they didn't knew was that Morgan knew him way before she met him for the first time. Lost in her thoughts she closed her eyes and an old memory flashed across her mind.

"Dad ?" Little Morgan ran across the house looking for her father. Tony seemed to be in the kitchen doing the dishes as it was his turn after Pepper. He looked behind him to find the light of his life, his daughter smiling at him, looking at him with her big brown eyes. His lips curved to form a smile even before he knew it.

"Yes Maguna" was his reply. Morgan had something behind her back, she was trying to hide it before showing it to Tony.

" What is that you're hiding ?" Tony asked finishing the dishes.
She showed him something that looked like a photo frame. Tony took a look at it and his smile faded away.

It was a photo of him and Peter together when they faked his internship and took a photo to make it more believable for May.

"Who is he ?" Morgan asked him, Tony was silent for a few seconds, recalling the events of the snap.

" Where did you found it ?" He questioned , cleaning it with a cloth.

"In the store room." Morgan answered innocently, Tony had many photos kept in the store room with different people, mostly famous and important personalities. Whenever Morgan asked him about it He said that they were ' Boring stuff'. Somehow Peter's Photo too found it's way there. Morgan often questioned him about the people in the photos but it seemed like this time the person wasn't the part of the boring stuff as Tony was looking at it with keen interest.

"He is Peter, he's- he'"
Morgan looked at him with curiosity and eagerness. A look which was really similar to Peter's puppy eyes face " your brother".

Tony replied, although this wasn't what he wanted to say but after seeing Morgan's reaction he didn't wanted to correct him self.
Morgan's eyes lit up with astonishment, her big brown eyes widening in surprise. Tony knew that she always wanted a sibling and now it meant something for her.

"I have a brother ? Really ?
I want to meet him." She said softly. Tony gave her a bittersweet smile, knowing that it won't ever happen. He wished that could bring his kid back. Only if he had some sort of time machine to go back in time and fix everything.

"You will honey, you will"

He said these words knowing that it's  impossible but little did he knew that it will happen.

"Here we are"

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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