ch-6 New team?

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"No that doesn't depends on his arm, it depends on his strength and you're more powerful so its obvious that- " She was cut off by Pep- "Ok kiddos, you don't need to prepare a whole essay on his Arm, there are other stuffs to talk about too." Pepper finished and Shuri saw that everyone was getting bored because of their conversation.

"Mommie is right, You guys are boring." Morgan said with her cute tone, trying to sound like an adult which was really funny. Sam laughed at her attempt to sound mature and Bruce, Wanda, Bucky, Shuri smiled at her cute behaviour.
Pepper and Peter just rolled eyes as they were used to this.
Morgan pouted because she thought they were making fun of her.

"Ah... She is so cute." Wanda said " She is like a little angel." Bruce added.

After the dinner everyone sat on the couch. Shuri, Peter and Morgan were playing Ludo and the adults were discussing about the new team.

"So y'all are recruiting new team members ?" Pepper asked as she finished her coffee.

"Yeah, After thanos we realised that our team should be bigger, stronger and smarter for any big threat like thanos or ultron." Bruce replied sipping his coffee. Wanda, Sam and Bucky were listening him quietly but Bucky was more interested in staring at Peter.

" I don't think there will be any thanos level threat in the future."
Pepper told him.

"Who knows about the future." Bruce said." But we should be prepared for it. Two years ago we all lost 4 important avengers, so its obvious that our team needs more members for any emergency." Bruce was looking down and thinking something.

"So have you found someone yet ?" Pepper asked.

" Yes, many people but we don't about most of them due to the fact that Fury wants their identity to be hidden before they join the team officially. " Sam replied.

"Ok, So can you tell me about a few of them you know about ?"

"Yeah sure, Clint is training a girl named Kate Bishop and claims that she can be the next hawkeye.
Plus there is also a girl named Yelena Belova, Clint was saying that if she is given the chance then she can replace Natasha as the new black widow, we don't know much about her yet." Sam answered.

"Looks like everyone is getting replaced." Wanda joked.

"Yeah even bruce is looking for someone to be the next hulk." Sam told Wanda and she was shocked.

"Really bruce ?" Pep said as she was as surprised as Wanda.

"Yeah its true, After snapping my one Arm cannot work properly, also I'm growing old and I don't want this discovery ( Hulk ) to be wasted so someone should become the other guy ( Hulk ) after me." Bruce said chuckling.

"Mommie I want to sleep" said Morgan.

"I thought you want to play the game." Peter asked her.

"Not anymore, I'm sleepy." Morgan told Peter in a tired voice.

"Oh, she never sleeps unless I read her a bedtime story. Just give me a minute I will be back." Pepper said as she took Morgan to her bedroom.

"So Peter parker, how does it feels like to become a superhero at a very young age ?" Sam asked Peter and He looked at Sam in horror, how does he knows about it ?

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