Ch-8 A Promise

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Peter was patrolling at midnight without telling Pepper about it, because offcourse if he did she will not let him go. Anyway, he snuck out of the house and he was looking everywhere to find any crimes happening in the city. After swinging for atleast an hour he came across an apartments building and he landed on the terrace.

Even after swinging across the whole city he didn't find any robberies or drug deals happening. Usually when this happens our spidey feels relieved and happy, but today was different.

Feeling tired he decided to stop patrolling and just go home for sleeping. He just sat there, looking at the city and opened the small lunchbox he had. Nowadays he gets really hungry after spidermanning so he carries a small lunch box for himself and today Morgan made him a cheese-sandwitch when he told her that he is going for a midnight
patrolling. He opened it to find a cute smiley made from ketchup on his sandwitch. He smiled and took a bite, although he didn't liked ketchup. He realised that Morgan really cared for him.

(A/n: Yes she does pete 🙃, she does.)

He recalled the incident that happened in the park, the laughing faces of the two girls and the devastated face of morgan trying to hold back tears. He just wondered how can some 7 year old kids could bully each other, call someone an Orphan, Specially when the kid is the kid of a person who sacrificed his life to save the universe. While thinking about all of this Spidey finished his Sandwich and put on his mask.
He promised himself to protect Morgan at any cost.

"Help! Please!" Someone screamed with a terrified voice. Spidey looked down to see some people in trouble. " Enough of resting Spider man, time for crime fighting" he thought and swinged to the rescue.

(A/n: Be ready for the next part 🙃🙃🧞‍♀️,)

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