Ch-14 A Swallow tail Butterfly

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A day after this, May took him to their house. Peter was expecting her to take him to the Stark tower,
but she said that Pepper wanted her daughter to live like normal kids. So they went to their house. Peter got out of the car and saw Happy and Pepper standing outside the house.

"Hey, We were just talking about you two, thay how will they manage and all." Pepper said smiling, she looked happy cause now someone will look after her kid when she is away.

"Hello, don't worry Peter loves kids, I'm sure Morgan will like him." Peter looked at May when she said this, Its not like he hated little kids, but May was making it feel as if Peter was born to babysit kids.

"Oh then its good, Peter can I show you around the house ?" Pepper asked in a really polite manner.

"Sure." Peter answered and Pepper showed him his bedroom, kitchen, Morgan's room etc. She also instructed him about how to take care of Morgan and all.

"Umm.. Did you got it Pete ?" asked Pep when she finally finished her never ending speech.

"Yup, By the way where is Morgan ?" Peter asked looking outside the window.

"She must be at the lake, let me call her." Pepper said and stood up to see if her daughter was at the lake.

"No wait, I will go to call her." Peter went to call her. "Fine." Pepper replied and the adults started gossiping.

He went near the lake and he noticed that the area had changed very much after two years. Flower pots were placed there and most of the flowers were Ixora. He saw that white water lily flowers were growing in the lake. Small handicrafts were kept near the lake. Butterflies were flying around and birds were chirping happily. It was like a small heaven. Even through Peter didn't liked gardening stuff he was admiring the place. Then he saw Morgan sitting near the lake.

"Hello." He greeted her as he sat near her.

She looked at him surprised and gave him a small smile. "Hey."

"What are you doing ?"

"Just waiting for my babysitter to come."

"Well he is just sitting beside you." Peter said smiling and Morgan looked at him weirdly.

"I thought it would be a girl." Morgan said a little disappointed. Peter noticed it and said "Well boys can be fun too." Morgan nodded."Yup, but I wanted a girl to be my babysitter." Peter just looked at her and decided to change the topic.

"Wow, this place looks like a kingdom of Butterflies." Peter said and noticed that she felt happy.

"Yeah, there are so many that I can't even count them." She said looking at a Swallowtail Butterfly, it was Blue in colour. It sat on a Blue Ixora flower.

"Oh my god, see that, it is Blue" Peter said fascinated by the elegant looking butterfly.

"Yup, its pretty. You know I love swallowtail butterflies, they are really pretty." She said admiring the butterflies.

"Do you know why they have a swallow tail ?" Peter asked, he was going to talk about butterflies if Morgan liked them. He just wanted to chat with her.

"Nope." Morgan told him after thinking for some seconds. She always loved them but never wondered why they have tails.

" You know the reason why its like that is when the butterfly folds its wings then the tail kinda looks like the antennae, so sometimes predators confuse their tail for its head and when they try to grab the butterfly for their lunch, they grab its wings instead of its head." Peter explained and Morgan claps. For Peter it was a normal piece of information which he learnt from an encyclopedia in 6th grade. But for Morgan, it was like a really important fact, she felt glad to know about. She was now picturing Peter as a butterfly expert, but in reality Peter knew as much about butterflies as much as steve knows about a smartphone.

(A/n: grandpa Steeb 👴🏻)

They began to chat about school, movies, books and most importantly, butterflies. They happily talked to each other and May and Pep watched them from the window gladly. Maybe these kid needed to be with each other.
A/n: So this was the last flash back of their first meeting and after this we will see how is Peter doing after getting shot.

And yeah Mr Fanfictor, I'm going to use your suggested idea in my book really soon so please wait for that 😁

Plus sorry for updating after a long time ( Do I really apologise for updating late in every freaking chapter ?! ) My school reopened after an eternity and obviously me being me, My notes were not completed 😩.
Ok enough excuses, here are some memes to cheer you up

Well Wanda did some horrible things to the people of westview and I don't think I will see her character in the same way again

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Well Wanda did some horrible things to the people of westview and I don't think I will see her character in the same way again.

Well Wanda did some horrible things to the people of westview and I don't think I will see her character in the same way again

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Exactly, why the heck it happens to me all the time

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Exactly, why the heck it happens to me all the time.

So bye bye, meet y'all in the next chapter. Love y'all ❤️❤️💙

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