ch-4 Over-protective big bro mode on

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"Wow you girls are barely 7 and you are bulling other kids." Peter said with a little anger on his face, morgan could see that he was still holding hotdogs in his both hands.

"Rachel is 8 years old actually." Emma replied foolishly. Rachel just froze after seeing peter.

"I don't care how old are you two are, i just want to know that why are you bullying her." Peter said with his over-protective mode on.

(A/n Note: Exactly and who on the earth can bully this angel 👧)

"We are just joking with her." Emma lied.

"Well calling someone orphan is not a joke, so don't give me any useless excuses." Peter said with more anger.

"I was just-umm, i-" Emma was cut off by peter. "I don't want to hear anything go away before i call your parents girls and one more thing, if i spotted you near Morg then i will call the principal of your school." Peter said and both Emma and Rachel ran away quickly.

"Peter, i-i just- she was cut off by Peter hugging her, well Pete was still holding the hotdogs in his hand, which was by the way looking very funny.

After that Peter and Morgan ate thier hotdogs and played in the park for a while, but they got bored soon they just sat on the bench and talked about school and her bullies. Morgan told him how they were bullying her for being an orphan and peter assured her that he will to her teacher about it in the PTM tomorrow.

After a while Happy came to take them home to find Morgan sleeping in Peter's lap. Happy helped Peter to take her to his car and they went home.

The Evening 7:00 PM
Peter and Morgan were playing Monopoly after finishing their homework.

"Wowie! I got Singapore!" Morgan yelled after she bought singapore.

"Stop yelling for god sake Morgan
Stark" Pepper said from the kitchen as she was making dinner for everyone.

"Sorry Mommie" Morgan said.

Then a knock was heard on their door.
Wow this means the avengers are here, poor Pepper has to make dinner for so many people😞.
Anyway, my exams are going on 🤦‍♀️ and I don't want to get an F so, I will update a little slow, once in a week. But I will update the next part tomorrow only 🙃🙃🙃.


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