ch-2 A Sunday

902 13 3

                    Next Morning  

"Good morning pete." Pepper said while making pancakes.

"Good morning mrs stark." Peter said while texting ned.

"Oh, call me pepper or pep." Pepper told him.

"Ok pepper, umm.. should i wake up morgan, its time for her school." Pete asked while eating his pancakes.

"No pete today is sunday." Pepper reminded him .

"Oh ! yeah today is sunday, I forgot." Peter realised.

"Um... , Pete are you free this evening ?"

"Yes i am but why ? Is there something special today ?"

"Yeah few avengers are coming for dinner."

"Really ?" Peter asked amazed, he saw many superheroes at tony's funeral and in the fight against thanos but they were not perfect time for a conversation with others.

(Note: Aww peter ❤️❤️❤️)

"Yeah, but not all of them just wanda, bruce, shuri, sam and bucky." She said.

"Wow ! I can't wait to meet them" peter said excitingly, pepper just smiled at his exitement and began to eat her breakfast.

"Good morning mom, whats for breakfast ?" Morgan said after entering the hall.

Blueberry and strawberry pancakes." Pepper answered.

"Oh wow, pete did you finished your breakfast" Morgan asked him while taking four pancakes on her plate. She loved her mom's pancakes.

"Not yet, i have just started eating morg".

"Ok, pete can you come to my school tomorrow for PTM."

"yeah, but why ? I mean mrs stark." pepper stared at him "i mean pepper can go to your PTM so why me ?" peter wondered.

"Pete actually, i have an important meeting that day and happy is busy too so you have to go to her PTM." Pepper explained.

"Ok, Morgan do you want to go to the city park after breakfast?" Peter offered her.

"Yup! But we should return home by 3:00 pm for homework." She said after finishing her pancakes.

After finishing his breakfast peter asked happy to drop them at city park. Happy agreed and he dropped them there.

"Take care of her until i return ." Happy ordered him and left.

"Looks like spider man has become a baby sitter." Morgan joked.

"Lol, very funny." Peter said sarcastically.

"Lets go there." Morgan pointed at the lake in the park.

They went to the lake and sat on a bench nearby. There were many people present at the lake. It has been two years since everything became normal after the snap. People met their loved ones after 5 years and now they are even more close to each other. Maybe those 5 years were difficult for tony too, peter still remembered how tony hugged him when they met again, maybe he also missed him just like peter is missing him right now.

"Hey pete, can you buy me a hotdog from that shop". She requested.

"Sure i will buy one for myself too" he answered.

He went to the shop to buy hotdogs and morgan just sat on the bench waiting for him. Then two girls walked towards her.
Can you guess who are those two girls ? And why are they walking towards morgan ? 🤔🤔🤔
This is my favourite chapter in this book till now. Lets see what will happen next 🙃🙃.

And please tell me if you want spideychelle in this book 🙂.

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