ch-3 I don't like bullies

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(Warning- you may find this chapter very cringey 😐)

"Hey, Look who is here, tinman's daughter." One of them said said and the other one laughed.

"Shit" She thought, the two girls were none than her classmates also, her bullies.

"What do you want Emma ?" Morgan asked, trying hard not to cry.

"Aww... gonna cry ? Orphan girl."
She said mocking her.

"Hey Emma ! Tomorrow is PTM remember ?" The other girl rachel reminded her.

"Oh yeah, And your parents are not going to come like everytime, am I right." Emma said.

"My brother is going to come." Morgan said, not looking at them. These girls were bullying her her since the day she joined school.

"Wait, you have a brother ?" Rachel said.

"No she doesn't have a brother." Emma said.

"Well, I have and his name is peter parker." Morgan replied.

"Parker ?" Emma said and looked at Rachel and they both burst into laughing.

"Your brother's last name is Parker and your last name is stark, How on the earth you two are siblings ?" Rachel asked laughing.

'' Well we are not biological siblings but he is like a big bro to me." Morgan said, trying her best not to cry because if she does then they will mock her even more.

"Wow, let me ask you a question, does he also see you as a little sister." Emma asked.

Morgan froze, she didn't knew if peter think of her like his sister. What if he is just being nice because she lost her father at a very young age ? What if their bond was just sympathy, not love ?

"Will you say something ?" Rachel asked with a gratified look on her face after seeing morgan's tensed face.

"Can I say something girls ?" A voice startled them. They looked back to find peter standing infront of them.

Yeah thats it, I know this chapter is horrible but i will try to improve and Sorry for updating late, due to some some problem I had to delete my whole chapter and rewrite it but i will try to update faster.
Can you guess what will peter say to these girls?

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